Think You Can Top My Last Night? Horable Pranks, Gifts from Heaven, Orange Juice!


the family next door has two boys, one is like 8 or 9 and the other is 11 or 12, and one yesterday some older kid, prolly 13 or 14 was trying to ghost ride his bike, just to be a jerk, and he push it right into the younger kid, so he knocked him off the bike and kicked him in the side, he was defending his brother. me and my dad had just blazed (ya my dad smokes lol) so we clapped and said good job, well his parents came blazing out the door, grabbed there son by the ear and started screaming at him saying there is no excuse for violance, and he should have just got them. then they turned to me and my dad and said, and i quote
"how do you sleep at night? condoneing such animalistic violance" now, you here that after smoking a huge spliff and try not to laugh in there faces
they were so offended they called the cops and ended up getting a $50 fine for wasting there time. about 3 hours later i was smoking yet another huge spliff with a few friends, we were laughing about the whole thing, joking about funny stuff to do to them when my buddy says, "dude you should put a bag of dog poop on there step, they'll think it was the other kid" at first i was like no way but the more i thought about the more i wanted to do it, one problom, were to get dog poop? it was like 11:30 and my dog sleeps in my dads bed all night, plus she only poops on someone elses yard, so i just said, what ever i'll just lay one on the step! of course, all my friends were like DO IT! so i did, i layed a massive log right on the front step. and we went on with our night.
this morning i woke up to the loudest scream in the history of screams, the lady who yelled at me had not only steped in it, but with no shoes on. i actully feal bad but i can't say anything, my window looks right out at her front step from the basment, i saw her foot, she steped on it the whole langth of her foot, owwaaa its so grose to even think about, at least that little scumbag down the street got blamed for it!
if all that wasn't the best night ever, i found a wallet with $465 in it this morning in the parking lot of the store. picked up a fat bag and 4 new tires + inspection for my car. i guess 2 wrongs makes my car last longer and i get high lol. there was no ID or anything els in the wallet so i guess its ok, it is a brand new wallet too, still had a price tag on it i think it was a gift from god him self saying "you blead for your coutry, you stand for whats right, but get nothing but bullshit from everyone, have a good day!" the weirdest part about it, on the way into the store i was thinking to my self how am i going to pay four new tires and an inspection, bought some orange juice walked out, droped it, looked down and there it was! i got some dankness right now and iv been blazing the whole time iv been writing this so sorry about any and all spelling errors.