Thinking of trying a new AN lineup with Iguana juice in hydro.

  • Hello Everyone,

    I just recently started thinking about trying AN again after failing the first time but I heard it was a joke for soil and that's what I was using Ocean Forest fox farm in 5 gallon pots I had 9 purple kushes and only yielded 3 1/2 ounces off a 1000 watt then I switched to hydro and now I’m seeing people do great things with it.

    Here are the nutes I was using in soil with my 1000 watt (The guy at the hydro store told me these would be the best to give me huge nugs)

    Sensi A&B

    Big Bud

    Bud Candy

    Bud Factor x



    voodoo juice

    and like I said the shit sucked.

    Here's how I grow now I start by taking a cutting from my mother and clone it for 7-14 days and then I transplant them into ph balanced rockwool and let them root for 10 days or so before I water again then after 1 month I transplant into either 5 gal buckets of Hydroton or 10-20 gal buckets of rockwool until they are ready to flower.

    My setup now is

    1000W HPS

    400W MH

    1 AC

    Botanicare CNS17 full lineup with voodoo juice

    Now I'm thinking of trying A new AN lineup that I've seen do good

    Iguana juice grow/bloom
    Big Bud
    Bud Candy
    Bud Ignitor
    Voodoo Juice
    and botanicares silicate blast instead of rhino skin.

    And my question is would it be better if I just kept the CNS17 or went back to pure blend pro and get another 400 watt super hps/mh light or 240 watt led light?
    P.s everything is grown with R.O water and I do flush and I keep a very precise PH, EC and PPM for soil the ph is 6.0-6.3 (higher towards the end of flowering) and the ph in hydro is 5.5-5.6 and the ppm is usually 400-2200 from begining to end and the ec is 1.0-1.4 thru veg and 1.4-1.9 in flowering​
