third time is a charm... i hope!


Active Member
thanks, everyone, for the advice over the past months... please know you're appreciated!

check out my latest pics and you'll see why (can you tell how pleased i am??!)...

that said...

if i may infringe on your generosity just a little more, savvy growers... can someone please tell me if it's time to harvest this gyrl?!


also, does anyone know what stain this little lady is? i purchased a bag of unknowns from a website... the first two didn't work out so well... but, like my caption says, 'third time is a charm, i hope'! (on the advice of a savvy grower, i did not name the plant this time around... and, since she's blooming nicely, i probably won't ever name another plant!)...

again, mi amigos/as... muchas gracias!

as always... all advice/ comments are welcome...

health & happiness!

