this cant be happening


Active Member
so i recently got a 2 ft 6 bulb T5 for vegging. in the past 2 weeks ive had 5 different sprouts (5 strains) all die on me. all germed and sprouted the exact same way ive done it for every plant ive grown and ive never had a plant die. the only difference is this damn T5, they are all fine for a day or 2 then i'll do my morning check and there they shriveled up and dead. WWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
I can assure you it is not the light type. Maybe heat from the light? Got air moving? And when we say inches for fluoro above plants there has to be at least some room for air to move across.


Active Member
well i had this happen to me once, and the culprit was a mouse. he even went so far as to dig up the seeds i planted to replace the seedlings he destroyed. caught him and havent had a problem since. get you a victor trap and bait it with peanut butter at the base of the trigger.


I keep my T5 literally inches from the seedlings. There are a couple right now that just came up the other day, exactly 2 inches from the bulb. Wouldn't have it any closer than that, though, and there needs to be a fan. The light has to be close or they will stretch.

Don't see how temperature and humidity matter that much, as long as we're not talking extremes. Medium just needs to be at least moist at all times.


Active Member
Quoted from another post of OP.... just a short few months ago

"Hello RIU world! its my first grow"................................"all germed and sprouted the exact same way ive done it for every plant ive grown and ive never had a plant die"

How did you germ em? probably fucked with them to much, you cant base your method off of one other grow lol.


well i had this happen to me once, and the culprit was a mouse. he even went so far as to dig up the seeds i planted to replace the seedlings he destroyed. caught him and havent had a problem since. get you a victor trap and bait it with peanut butter at the base of the trigger.

Rodents such as mice and rats love hemp seeds. Can't blame them, because they are highly nutritious and tasty. The only animal I support the death penalty for are humans under extreme circumstances. No intelligent animal should be put to death for trying to catch a meal, unless it is going to be a meal. Peppermint oil will repel them. Think about that next time.


New Member
Ambient temp of a T-5 bulb is 95 Deg F , add them up and it gets hot .. I have a bank of 12 T-5 bulbs running and my temps average 115 Deg F around the bulbs ..


Active Member
im pretty sure it was from the light being too close. my tent is about 78 degrees at all times but the light was only a couple inches and my fan for some reason cut off in the middle of the night (think my gf had somethin to do with it, she hates the noise) i always start my seeds in a rock wool cube n when they sprout plant em in soil