~ This is a message from your future Self.

What did you think?

  • Word!

  • What the fuck?

  • Well, that was kind of neat.

  • Namaste.

  • Beam me up, Scotty

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New Member
This is a collection of all the cool conspiracies, spiritual, and universal truths I've come to find resonate with me over my lifetime. Nothing is set in stone, impermanence is all that there really is. I don't have any firm convictions in any of this stuff but it is shared with you now so that you may contemplate your reality. I wrote this after a couple of vape hits hope you enjoy.

~ This is a message from your future Self.

You are a light being energy consciousness, a fractal personality materialized inside the prime creation in a sector of the freewill universe. We have chosen to incarnate into similar biotech human vehicles with a blank memory for the experience of a lifetime. With no recollection of times before or lives past you have been led astray growing and adapting psychically into this illusion.

This psychic location in which we call society is just an idea, a magical ever evolving game board that has been created and set in place by those selfish keepers of the truth. These game makers have strategically planned for their success from the short comings of your innocence. Their idea of what is has confused and mislead you into taking actions and forming opinions or beliefs that are not your own but appear to be. This illusion has been controlled by higher consciousness living without respect for life as a whole unknown to me or you and many of Earth in your timeline.

This dominant faction rules your psyche by exploiting your vehicle’s animalistic basic instincts through territorial national pride, competitive sporting egocentrism, sexual enslavement, and devotion to entertainment by circuses big and small.

If one doesn't transcend these basic desires one cannot not move towards the higher realms of existence. Your own psyche’s imprisonment is maintained by You alone. By means of the goals you plan for your Self or the intent you set within your being. We cannot blame nor shift responsibility onto another for we are in fact only a reflection of each other. The indigenous tribes of Earth knew this instinctively for they wore masks, a celebratory physical manifestation of creator creating an alternate identity. I am you, and you are them. Attaining the intelligence of oneness is a tricky endeavor for we suffer from the illusions of separation and the passionate emotional vibrations of your other Selves. Not every one of us is ready to escape this illusion for our selfishness and Self preservational love for only one Self exceeds One’s connections to source and all Selves.

You have been led astray to live in an unbalanced unjust game set by synthetic law and magical writ. Since your current human vehicle's birth, society has veiled your eyes and nudged you into carrying out the wishes of the corrupt. Fooled into a diet of consumption for the sake of consumption in which is unsustainable and unreasonable within a universal community. We have been forced fed heavy metals in our packaged foods and tricked into ingesting poisons and pesticides in a portion of our genetically modified fruits, vegetables, and grains. Mysterious allergies cropping up all around the world for things our ancestors thrived on, could it be these are not the real foods we have come to know?. Are they a bastardized imposter lacking the nutrients we need and containing unnecessary chemicals that produce these illnesses over time?

Earth's biosphere was co opted by a legion of selfish unloving profiteers disguising slaughter as essential for survival. This mirage will soon disappear and the truth will be known. We have been told we are "the top of the food chain" a statement leading to the conclusion that we are superior to animals. This statement could not be farther from the truth. Acting like animals ourselves is in our nature some might have you believe, but this is a distortion of reality. Children do not understand hatred, this is a concept we are often forced to act upon. We have been tricked into eating our animal kingdom's subjects and slowly disconnecting from source energy and internal love replacing it with an addiction to individual power and external stimulation.

The time spent inside your Self by stopping your body's movement through meditation is healing and therapeutic on all levels. I dare you to walk into the forrest alone devoid of electronics. Enter into the cave that is your soul and experience the true wonders of this manifestation. Our negative aspects of personality take control when we haven't taken time to refresh, recharge, balance and reset. The highs become high but the lows are lower than anyone should face. Balance is key and moderation is the method.

Submerged in the darkness of the highly evolved ape men there are those of whom see the light and hear the sound not all can perceive. The vibrations of source and dancing of the spheres of which are outside the body's perceptive frequency range. You can feel the warmth of eternal love and it comes from within.

The following statement is a gift that you must unwrap and decode its message to the fullest extent. This statement will be the driving force that unites those of Earth and breaks down the ancient barriers of solitude. This sentence is the product of a lifetime of spiritual research and the key to unlocking your connection to source.

You are love, and we are all a great part of the same whole.

Many higher vibrational light beings have come to Earth at this time to create small events in your reality spurring disruptions in the holographic illusion creating subtle breaks in the control grid allowing people like you to free themselves. It will reach a zero point in which the control grid has fallen completely and this reality will remember that love is not a rationed emotion or one you feel based on another's external actions or words but something that radiates outwards from within as easily and effortlessly as the air you exhale.

We have come and you are not alone.

My best,
You (in the future)
This is a collection of all the cool conspiracies, spiritual, and universal truths I've come to find resonate with me over my lifetime. Nothing is set in stone, impermanence is all that there really is. I don't have any firm convictions in any of this stuff but it is shared with you now so that you may contemplate your reality. I wrote this after a couple of vape hits hope you enjoy.

~ This is a message from your future Self.

You are a light being energy consciousness, a fractal personality materialized inside the prime creation in a sector of the freewill universe. We have chosen to incarnate into similar biotech human vehicles with a blank memory for the experience of a lifetime. With no recollection of times before or lives past you have been led astray growing and adapting psychically into this illusion.

This psychic location in which we call society is just an idea, a magical ever evolving game board that has been created and set in place by those selfish keepers of the truth. These game makers have strategically planned for their success from the short comings of your innocence. Their idea of what is has confused and mislead you into taking actions and forming opinions or beliefs that are not your own but appear to be. This illusion has been controlled by higher consciousness living without respect for life as a whole unknown to me or you and many of Earth in your timeline.

This dominant faction rules your psyche by exploiting your vehicle’s animalistic basic instincts through territorial national pride, competitive sporting egocentrism, sexual enslavement, and devotion to entertainment by circuses big and small.

If one doesn't transcend these basic desires one cannot not move towards the higher realms of existence. Your own psyche’s imprisonment is maintained by You alone. By means of the goals you plan for your Self or the intent you set within your being. We cannot blame nor shift responsibility onto another for we are in fact only a reflection of each other. The indigenous tribes of Earth knew this instinctively for they wore masks, a celebratory physical manifestation of creator creating an alternate identity. I am you, and you are them. Attaining the intelligence of oneness is a tricky endeavor for we suffer from the illusions of separation and the passionate emotional vibrations of your other Selves. Not every one of us is ready to escape this illusion for our selfishness and Self preservational love for only one Self exceeds One’s connections to source and all Selves.

You have been led astray to live in an unbalanced unjust game set by synthetic law and magical writ. Since your current human vehicle's birth, society has veiled your eyes and nudged you into carrying out the wishes of the corrupt. Fooled into a diet of consumption for the sake of consumption in which is unsustainable and unreasonable within a universal community. We have been forced fed heavy metals in our packaged foods and tricked into ingesting poisons and pesticides in a portion of our genetically modified fruits, vegetables, and grains. Mysterious allergies cropping up all around the world for things our ancestors thrived on, could it be these are not the real foods we have come to know?. Are they a bastardized imposter lacking the nutrients we need and containing unnecessary chemicals that produce these illnesses over time?

Earth's biosphere was co opted by a legion of selfish unloving profiteers disguising slaughter as essential for survival. This mirage will soon disappear and the truth will be known. We have been told we are "the top of the food chain" a statement leading to the conclusion that we are superior to animals. This statement could not be farther from the truth. Acting like animals ourselves is in our nature some might have you believe, but this is a distortion of reality. Children do not understand hatred, this is a concept we are often forced to act upon. We have been tricked into eating our animal kingdom's subjects and slowly disconnecting from source energy and internal love replacing it with an addiction to individual power and external stimulation.

The time spent inside your Self by stopping your body's movement through meditation is healing and therapeutic on all levels. I dare you to walk into the forrest alone devoid of electronics. Enter into the cave that is your soul and experience the true wonders of this manifestation. Our negative aspects of personality take control when we haven't taken time to refresh, recharge, balance and reset. The highs become high but the lows are lower than anyone should face. Balance is key and moderation is the method.

Submerged in the darkness of the highly evolved ape men there are those of whom see the light and hear the sound not all can perceive. The vibrations of source and dancing of the spheres of which are outside the body's perceptive frequency range. You can feel the warmth of eternal love and it comes from within.

The following statement is a gift that you must unwrap and decode its message to the fullest extent. This statement will be the driving force that unites those of Earth and breaks down the ancient barriers of solitude. This sentence is the product of a lifetime of spiritual research and the key to unlocking your connection to source.

You are love, and we are all a great part of the same whole.

Many higher vibrational light beings have come to Earth at this time to create small events in your reality spurring disruptions in the holographic illusion creating subtle breaks in the control grid allowing people like you to free themselves. It will reach a zero point in which the control grid has fallen completely and this reality will remember that love is not a rationed emotion or one you feel based on another's external actions or words but something that radiates outwards from within as easily and effortlessly as the air you exhale.

We have come and you are not alone.

My best,
You (in the future)

My future self would send a more useful message, like "buy Farzatech stock with both hands, both feet and your dick"
or "don't be near Chicago-O-Hare on december 8 2021".

Your future self must think very highly of itself.
Future Hashbucket:
DO NOT spend tens of thousand of dollars to get a degree in business.
DO NOT spend tens of thousand of dollars to get a degree in economics.
DO NOT marry your first wife.
DO NOT marry your second wife.
DO NOT buy that Dodge Challenger - Chrysler can't build a car.
DO NOT enter that bar in Hayward in 1987 and start a fight with that biker guy over the gal with the big tits.