This is like an episode of Trailer Park Boys but in Scotland

Jim Haddar

Well-Known Member
“Cannabis site worth $100K busted next to police station…Grower reportedly fainted when police made the journey across the street to inspect the operation.”

My nephews are touring the country chillin at beach houses, sending pics from boats while I'm driving to drs offices. I know the jealous feeling haha. That's awesome though PW, I bet shes gonna have an amazing summer!
She's got friends that hook her up with airline tickets, and she's going with people who grew up there so she doesn't have to pay for much. She's been all over though and she's only 21 still.

She's been to Africa twice and worked with kids at a school there. She's been sending them boxes of Christmas gifts for a couple years, even though shipping is insane. She also did a GoFundMe page and collected a few hundred $ so they could get a steel door since assholes were breaking into this poor ass school.

The cool shit is those kids are just happy to be alive, and appreciate everything most of us take advantage of.

And she's my daughter so she's got some Crazy in her if need be, :fire: