this male for sure?


Active Member
10 days into flowering want to make sure its male before i toss it ,it looks like it is but i want to be 100 % cheers



Well-Known Member
If you want to be 100% wait atleased two more days.
I need a better pic I'm half blind


Active Member
looks male,but wait a few days. you might want to make iso hash out of it. get what you can out of it:leaf:


Well-Known Member
hmm, give it a bit more time for sure. I've had plants that looked like they had nuts, but were just funky lookin female preflowers. Cross your fingers!


Active Member
hmm i just checked the plant and im sure i can see 4 or 5 white hairs coming from the very top ,now i wont call it a girl yet but things are looking better :mrgreen: