This should be interesting!


Active Member
yes its true im a noob.. not scared to admit ...1st time grow ...ive been doing alot of research for the past 8 months about growing hydro....! well i just ordered all the parts,264gph pump,tubing, air diffusers and anything else you could possible think of to assemble a 8 bucket recirculating dwc .Using 5 gallon buckets all black all tubing black..i have a 18 gallon control that is hooked up to a 40 gallon trash can for rez.. I have just got done ordering 2 600watt hps/mh digital ballist from GTH supply ..they will be here in no time i hope...How is GTH supply they get decent reviews..I know I know i have to get a tds and ph meter very hesitent on buying and expensive one that has everything i need or buying each 1 individually.If anyone has some good feed back on some decent meters and which meters you curently use.. Im very excited on starting my 1st the next big step is deciding on the best nutes to use for a 8 bucket recirculating dwc...Which im still undicided on at the moment...Any suggestions or experience with nutes and additives with this system...I would greatly appreciate any feed back from anyone on this matter it would be very helpful...I planned on growing WW just to keep it simple ..not trying multiple strains for my 1st time around.. Has anyone had experience with this Hydro style setup growing WhiteWidow..What was your technique on keeping your ph/ec/tds/ppm's in spec ...and what were those specs on your cycle from veg to harvest....i Hope to get some great feed back on everything i have metioned ...I hope to see noobs like me and vet growers reply... i would love to see the comparison between diff people. TIME TO SMOKE and GO TO WORK !! Peace out

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Take this at face value as I am a noob as well-things are going well for me however. Here are some points I have learned in a very short period of time.

1. Meters-get good ones they are the only tools you will have to accurately assess what your nute solutiuon does and does not have.
I use Eutech PhMeter10-very reliable and I calibrate frequently (don't forget the 7.0 and 4.01 reference solutions to cal. with)
EC/TDS Meter-Blue Lab Truncheon-also very reliable and accurate-gives EC and PPM readings which can be helpful so you don't need to convert EC to PPM or vice versa-I simply asked for recommendations and went high end. You definately get what you pay for with meters.

2. Al B. Fuct-Listen to his suggestions-read all his threads-follow to the letter. Don't ask him broad questions if you have not researched the subject yourself-He has always been generous with his time on here but he does not want to build and maintain your garden. I suggest Grow FAQ-THEN read Al B.FaQt-START TO FINISH yes all 100,000 posts (its not that bad but most of your questions will be answered before there asked)
Everyone has nutes they like--or so it seems
I started with Ionic's Growth Formula-It since went in the bin. I was supplementing this with magic hippie sauces and a product HydroGuard to build beneficial bacteria to combat pathogens (I left the hydro shop with 5 buckets of crap that now are paper weights in my grow room).......FUCK ALL THIS.

Now I am using DutchMaster Gold 2 part Grow and 35%H2O2 (packaged as Super Oxy H2O2) H2O2 I add to my Res at a rate of 1.7ml/Litre of Nutrient Solution every 4 days-Thats It. Some deficiencies i was seeing with the Ionic have corrected in under 48 hours.

Take Al's advice-which I am passing along in these paragraphs---Chemical Nutes (grounded in botanical science, measurable, controllable, simple) and H2O2 to keep your system squeaky clean. As he says the only organism you want in your op is Cannibus--i am now a firm believer in this system. I use top-drip in my veg room and flood/drain in flower room. No reason DWC won't benefit from the same. Keep your Ph right, Nutes right, temp, humidity, and air circulation all on point and you will be succesful. Really-keep it simple-its not rocket science and DO NOT use Powergel as Al may recommend. Sorry I can't find his link for that stuff--I think he claims it will help your buds blow-up.
Good Luck, I'm sure you will do fine.

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
BTW-White Widow is a little trickier than some easy-to-grow strains that are out there. It can resent too much too fast-start slow with your nutes. That strain is not a beginner strain. Just take it easy on them as seedlings and let the plant dictate a little bit to you until you get in the groove. I have 6 strains going in Veg at this time-Future Mums and a Dad or two. WW is one of two that seem to need some special attention from me. i have been diluting the nutes a bit for the WW. Kind of a pain because everything else is automated but i figure another week or two and they will be hearty enough to take the same solution as my other babies. Don't be afraid to start really slowly and increase feeding as they need it. As to finishing WW, I have read alot about techniques to increase resin production during the final days-you may want to start researching this now.

As i said, Good Luck.


Active Member
Al B. Fuct-Listen to his suggestions-read all his threads-follow to the letter. Don't ask him broad questions if you have not researched the subject yourself-He has always been generous with his time on here but he does not want to build and maintain your garden. I suggest Grow FAQ-THEN read Al B.FaQt-START TO FINISH yes all 100,000 posts (its not that bad but most of your questions will be answered before there asked).
how far do u intend to go up dat mans hole,the way u go on u sound like a teachers petkiss-asskissy kissy kissy


Well-Known Member
Well said Old in the way.
Hes right I too pay close attention to Al B Fuct he keeps it simple yet straight to the point he explains simply and knows what hes doing, every time he posts I learn something new.

Hey Old in the way you said " I started with Ionic's Growth Formula-It since went in the bin" were they not good enough? Im asking because I too will be using Growth technologys nutes just wondering what your opinion is on them things.


Active Member
OLD in the way
Thanks for the advice about the meters ..Ill do some more extensive research on the meters .... Reps for you with the good advice... i guess ill do some reading up on some AL B Fuct's threads ..Ive been Reading none stop for the past 8 months my head hurts ...i need to smoke ..brb...Ok all better...ahh my head doest hurt anymore "ITS NOT A TUMOR" well im hoping to see more replys about if anyone has done the 6-8 bucket recycling dwc ...some peeps are telling me to go with 8-10 gallon buckets just for the root mass alone with sometimes and often be a problem..but only time will tell for me...maybe i should try a diff strain any suggestions ...well of course i want some nice buds and a killer high...WHo doesnt

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
how far do u intend to go up dat mans hole,the way u go on u sound like a teachers petkissy kissy kissy
As long as my op benefits-as far as i need to. Just thought I would lay down the Al B. Basics.
You sound a little lealous---But hey another 3000 posts from you and props from half the people on here and i will happily crawl up yours.:o

Im asking because I too will be using Growth technologys nutes just wondering what your opinion is on them things.
They were not working for me-No Mg, no Ca, no nothing. was supplementing with all sorts of crap after about 10 days of using them-Deficiencies were showing up--After studying the options available to me I decided on the DM Gold 2 part-so far so good-great formula according to the label-I was getting strong new growth with ionic but the defs started working up the plant pretty quickly after about 14 days and by 21 days it was causing me to second guess my skills--I was scrambling.

48 hours after the flush, drain, reflush, drain and fill with DMG at 5.8ph and h2o2 and the shit is kicking. If you haven't opened yours return it. You will save money by getting a good 2 part and not needing to supplement.


Well-Known Member
just 1 suggestion about your EC /PH / PPM meter .. buy separate meters for each.
yes benson another one . as Al B. mentions if you buy an all in 1 and 1 piece goes out you have a meter that only half works . you are better off with a tool designed to do 1 job and do it well and when it goes out you can replace just the 1 tool not several
and on a side note. to those that wonder "what about independent thought" ... well when it comes to growing my plants i want to do what i know works ... not what i think will work. so why make shit up myself when i can follow proven methods. sure i may do a small controled experiment but not on my whole grow ... just a plant or 2 i dont mind losing. Al B. knows his shit and ill just follow along and avoid making mistakes that he's already made for me.
i like to consider him my own personal R&D department


Active Member
As long as my op benefits-as far as i need to. Just thought I would lay down the Al B. Basics.
You sound a little lealous---But hey another 3000 posts from you and props from half the people on here and i will happily crawl up yours.:o.
lealous nope im not lealous.i fink da man nows his shit.and no u wont crawl up my ass, i an't like that.sorry NO ENTRY

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
maybe i should try a diff strain any suggestions ...well of course i want some nice buds and a killer high...WHo doesnt

Today 01:57 PM
A good Afgani Indica-(Shiva, Afg #1, something along those genetic lines) should give you nice yield, has great THC content, relatively forgiving plant (at least it has been for me) and does well under artificial light-I use only 1kw lights and both strains mentioned are doing really well-Also performing well is a Skunk #1

I used Hemcy seed bank since they were the highest rated on seedbankupdate-13 days to my door (WU payments accepted)in the SE from the netherlands
Started with Afghani #1, Skunk #1(if odor control is an issue stay away--mine are 4 weeks into veg and they reak of skunk, yum!!)Shiva Shanti, Big Bud-been touchy, Malawi Gold-doing well, and WW-as stated been touchy-great germination on all 64 out of 72 made it to where i am now-but I do have 3 more runts-Also working 6 NLxAK plants that are doing great. 70 plants in veg at the moment all females to become mums soon!!!

PeakseedsBC is also highly rated and has some nice strains. I have not started them but I got Skunkberry, Northernberry and Blueberry which came from DJshort and Sagomartha genetics. 18 days door to door and i sent $$ with a hand written order. Got to cull out my males when they reach sexual maturity so I have room to start another 30-50 potential mums.

I am happy with the info that was out there on these strains and they give me enough variety to eventually widdle it down to 2-4 strains that suit my needs. You should know that i have a rather large op-despite being a noob and intend to do some breeding myself-Good Luck if you choose to try out either of these banks-There is alot out there so you may need to hunt around until you find what you want. If you are hell bent on growing the latest and greatest F1's out there just know they may come with a steeper learning curve. And a MUCH higher price tag. I have less than 700usd in 122 seeds(11 breeder packs)

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
and on a side note. to those that wonder "what about independent thought" ... well when it comes to growing my plants i want to do what i know works ... not what i think will work. so why make shit up myself when i can follow proven methods. sure i may do a small controled experiment but not on my whole grow ... just a plant or 2 i dont mind losing.
This is what its all about Johnny-follow a recipe for success not a grow book that gives you thirty ways to get to the end result.

i like to consider him my own personal R&D department
Me too!! I just troll all the former posts from noobs like me and look for his responses-its terrible. I am an Al B. Junkie.-Hoping to make Fuct head when i post pics of some KillerColas. :weed:


Well-Known Member
As long as my op benefits-as far as i need to. Just thought I would lay down the Al B. Basics.
You sound a little lealous---But hey another 3000 posts from you and props from half the people on here and i will happily crawl up yours.:o

They were not working for me-No Mg, no Ca, no nothing. was supplementing with all sorts of crap after about 10 days of using them-Deficiencies were showing up--After studying the options available to me I decided on the DM Gold 2 part-so far so good-great formula according to the label-I was getting strong new growth with ionic but the defs started working up the plant pretty quickly after about 14 days and by 21 days it was causing me to second guess my skills--I was scrambling.

48 hours after the flush, drain, reflush, drain and fill with DMG at 5.8ph and h2o2 and the shit is kicking. If you haven't opened yours return it. You will save money by getting a good 2 part and not needing to supplement.

Ive not used the nutes so I think I will exchange them for Dutch master Gold Grow & Bloom would you recommend anything else? Also how are 2 part nutes used and measured? Thats such a mystery to me


Well-Known Member
its a part A and part B they for some reason dont mix well in concentrate so you just measure whatever amount they tell you for each pert to a gallon of water and dont mix them without putting it in water first.
so you basically pit say 4 tsp in a gallon of water of part A and then put in again the same 4 tsp of part B in the same gallon of water and mix

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
I second that!!!

Ive not used the nutes so I think I will exchange them for Dutch master Gold Grow & Bloom would you recommend anything else? Also how are 2 part nutes used and measured? Thats such a mystery to me

Today 02:59 PM
Self-Explanatory-DMG-Growth Formula called for 50ml/10L solution of EACH A & B I did 50% strength-70G/265L Res I used 625ml of each a & b. That's for weeks 2-4, Gave me 1120 ppm minus the 140 ppm from my tap 980 ppm of nutes is the net net. Looking great!! And seriously it took 48 hrs for them to pull a complete 180. Very pleased so far.


Well-Known Member
how far do u intend to go up dat mans hole,the way u go on u sound like a teachers petkiss-asskissy kissy kissy

DUDE your mouth is saying things your ass cant cash!!! Dont come in here stranger stranger and start fucking with people. Or are you going to be one of those guys??