This site is fucking worthless

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Well-Known Member
Overrun by trolls, drug addicts, and various other worthless input.

If I had the need to learn how to grow, this site would be last place I would look for info.

Way to go guys and gals.


Well-Known Member
Sir, this is Toke n Talk where we fuck around.

Every question anyone could ever need to ask about growing can be answered with the search function. Google sends most people here which is probably how we got half our members...

I don't like meanie trolls either, so April and I have been trying to subdue their spiteful malice with frilly underwear. You are a man, aren't you? I mean, I like panties...

Much love <3


Active Member
i've gotten alot of helpful info. on this site. but then again i'm not a expert. but i dont think i'm a troll or worthless? i'am how ever addicted to the ganja, 1 out of 3. not bad.
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