Thoughts of Res Temp in Aerosystem


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im researching for the optimol res water temps.My res stays at 60 degress F when left alone.I have added a 100 watt tank heater and want to drive the temp up to about 70-75 figuring as it goes through tubes and sprayers it will hit about 65-70 at spray.What would suggestions be for best root spray temps???


Well-Known Member
I haven't done a hydro grow yet, but in my book here('Jorge Cervantes' Marijuana horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible) it says:

The temperature of the nutrient solution should stay between 60-70*F. However, nutrient solution will hold much more oxygen at 60*F than it will at 75*F. Never let the nutrient solution climb above 85*F. Above 85*F the solution holds little oxygen. Roots are easily damaged by temps 85*F and above. Heat damaged roots are very susceptible to rot, wilts, and fungus gnat attacks.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Good so Im right on in my temp thinking of having it hit roots at 65-70.Now All i gotta do next go round is figure out how to stop the hydron pebbels from gettin grim in the sprayers..Washed it real good but res has the grit in it already and misters seem to get clogged causing me to have to do a pump off then pump on.Might have the pump timed to shut down 5 minutes every hour to let grit fall from sprayers..


Well-Known Member
Your doing fine,
58* is optimal, you can infuse more oxygen at that temp. Don't go more than
4* either way. Too cold slows growth, too warm opens up for too many pathogens and pests.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Now all I have to do to get this dialed in is replace 18 sprayers with the second kind I bought as the 18 round 360 sprayers are all failing due to my lack of a filtration setup.This means 1 day down from the aero setup but at least its early and I can go 1 day out of it with manula watering to replace the lines flush system and and re runn the mister lines.Live and learn don't we.Damn to hell all residues they do cake mkister fast in these big setups.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well what I did is I was a few short when I built the system so I went to a local hydro brew place instead of my usual internet buying paces. They had these 360 sprayers that are different. The ones I hadwhere lik little red cylinders with small hole all the way around then the water was forced through in mist stream but thos elittle holes clogged.The ones local were red but had a spike in the middle then a bar so when the water was forced out the stream hits the spike and bar and the water is blown out 360 degress and those are on 1 line of the unit and are going full blast non stop.They cost like 60 cents and if they werent local they have a web site to get them from.Im gonna tear it down tomarrow real quick make new lines with the new sprayers then reseal and caulk and flush res with new water.I think I found an inline T filter and Im adding a filter bag over my pump.Hopefull that will do it.


Uses the Rollitup profile
All right, Filthy! You're really cleaning up your act! :blsmoke: with the new filters

Give us a link to those sprayers too.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Fletch, I hate to say it, but I think you're up against one of the core problems with drip systems- and the main reason I no longer use one.

Nutrient solutions form crystals wherever the solution is exposed to air and water can evaporate- on the sides of rez tanks, on hoses, etc etc... but worst of all- crystals form in the small apertures used as drippers or sprayers. No amount of filtration will stop these blockages as the nutrients are totally dissolved and will pass right through a filter. The nute salts are most likely crystallising on the drippers after they have passed through your proposed filter.

I gave up on drippers and sprayers and just used small diameter plastic tubing (about 4mm ID). The solution dribbled instead of spraying, but worked OK. However, algae grew inside the tubing and was a general pain in the ass to clean

I eventually gave up in drip systems altogether and now use a flood/drain system with plants grown in plastic pots stuffed with loose rockwool floc.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well the revampede sprayers with the filter bag and not adding any powder pirahna has seemed to solve the problem. I jacked the feed up to about 950 ppm from 800 now at day 4 in the system day 2 with new revisins and plants are gonna be a handful they now are hitting 6 inches tall with complete roots mass filling the grow chambers.I supposed I should be keeping a grow journel for people reference and my own glory.Think maybe I will start tomarrow I have few picts from mom to clone to first day and will do day 5 then.Anyways I think theyes sprayers that use the bar to break the stream into 360 degree spray are much better then the cap ones with 360 degrees of tiny holes as those clogged and the new ones keep on going.Outside temps are starting to heat my room up and res so no more res heater may have to plan on a chiller or maybe toss a frozen cooler block one of the plastic water ones for beer in the tube during the day until 12/12.Anyone got a portable a/c looking to dump? lol