Thoughts on how to deal with a drug test situation...


Well-Known Member
Ok.. I am going to at some point require a drug test. I think I can control what KIND of test is administered...I pick blood.

Blood tests from what I understand can only detect "recent usage"... so I stay clean for a week and I'm golden.


If I can't pick and get another type ordered I want to cover my bases.

I am thinking UrineLuck for piss test along with drinking a shit ton of water and cranberry juice the night before... and pissing alot the day of the test along with drinking myself silly with water and taking B vitamins.. (in case it's a shoulder peeper test)..

And I want to get a detox shampoo...

Anyone have any good sites to buy this type of stuff from?
If you have any products that you have used, please let me know so I can check em out....

I should say also, I know that quitting is an "option" .. just not an option for this cat :) - so while I respect it if that's your opinion - at least you know mine.:leaf:

Thanks for any input
Get a good laxative, most of the breakdown components of cannabis, leaves via the dirt road.
cool.. how long before a test do you start taking it? Or is it like a general cleansing trick?