

Hey there y’all. Week four of flower, ebb and flow , 1200 ppfd, 1400 ppm co2, salt nutes . I had one up and die on me last week and now I see two more. I disconnected the res and am hand watering for now incase it’s root rot. Not sure why it would have happened , res is 68 degrees. Been treating them with oxi phos for two days. I’ve never had them just droop and die this far in. I’ll post some pics . I’ll also post a pic of the room next to that was just harvested and everything was the same environment wise and the rooms are separated by a curtain so I feel like if it was something air born or pest related it would have been throughout. Thank you In advance!



I can’t see much poking through the bag but the couple that are affected definitely don’t feel solid in the coco. As in I feel like I could rip it out fairly easily. I had root rot a few years ago and switched to hand watering . Ended up saving most of the run but I didn’t have a chiller at that point in the rooms and res was too warm. Very strange that it pops up now after zero issues for a while . Last ebb and flow run anyway, got all the parts for drip irrigation. With a “ backyard grow “ sharing res water is always a concern. Much easier to isolate a problem when they aren’t swapping spit !