Thousands of dead fish and birds for new years...Weird??


Well-Known Member
So I see on the news in Arkansas thousands of dead fish and birds. They say last weekend over 100,000 drum fish washed ashore dead. So Saturday or Sunday tens of thousands of black birds died in mid flight. Fell right out o the sky. Weird.
I just saw the story again...they found more birds in another state did the same thing....what the fuck, those birds don't even fly at is weird. lighting or hail that night either...I'm thinking a UFO was probable in the biggie, just a little blast of radiation...that would explain the fish too, because we all know UFO's love to hide under water...and those old UFO's leak all kinds of toxic shit...the newer ones are much more environmentally freindly.
just my thoughts
Dude, i just saw that shit on another site a few minutes ago. That's weird stuff. Maybe people shooting off fireworks killed them? Maybe they got hit by a plane? Alien spaceship? That's some messed up stuff.
I'd say it's probably that huge chunk of oil STILL sitting in the ocean. And all the chemicals they used to hide it rather than actually clean it up.
sarah Palin.pngNo worries it's just Sarah Palin hunting and fishing at night


yea I'm not buying the ole "a loud noise aka fireworks killed them" If that was true, wouldn't we hear more stories
of this over the years on the 4th and 1sts? Nor am I actually buying the story of how a disease killed
100k fish in only 1 small section of a river.
Sorry about the fish....was trying to get rid of some old dynomite I had......threw it in water by mistake........oops
There has been 100+ pelicans wash up on the NC shore over the past month or so. I saw it on the news a few times already. Are we in a la nina year or el nino?
Just saw on the news that their are all sorts of fish and birds and other animals being found dead in large numbers in a bunch of diffrent places