three plants - good till week 10 or 11 then problems

I confused him confusing it, with someone's post from a prior page....
My mistake. :o
You're advice is sound indeed Lo Budget.

Put simply ganjanoob536, it's all about the time that YOU dedicate to it. If you put 2 hours a night into reading and studying what's worked for others, or from reading threads that are almost universally agreed upon, you'll learn what you need to know. It takes hours and hours to sift through what works and what doesn't. Took me years.
When I first started, I was almost obsessed (I still sort of am, I have an addicts personality and turn everything up to 11) as evidence by my first REAL grow page.

The kinds of statistics I would record were meticulous. I wanted to learn absolutely everything there was to know about it as I was doing it for future use.
I would spend every day on rollitup, reading everything thread I could. Seeing what others were doing and attempted to replicate their results.
That's part of why we all keep grow journals. It isn't just to show off our weed (although that sort of is part of it, it's all just bud porn), it's so we can explain to others what we're using, what we're doing, and how it's working.
Theoretically, if we were to feed this entire site into a super computer, it might just be able to deduce what works and what doesn't. But until someone does that, it's up to us to go through it on our own and learn from it what we can.

The lucky and BEAUTIFUL thing about this site, is that there are so many other people who are not just willing, but happy to help you along with any information you may need. You can ask questions, and get opinions.
But mostly, the best bit of advice I can give you.... MORE IMPORTANT THEN A GROW LIGHT, R/O WATER, OR AWESOME SOIL.... is to READ.
Every single day. READ.
And you keep right on reading until you have a feel for what it is you're going to be doing.
It can be scary, taking what you've read online and putting it into practice... I had all the anxieties... "What if I fuck it up?" "What if I make a huge mistake, they're all gonna think i'm stupid..."
And a few times I did fuck up. I go back and read my old grow threads, watch the videos and laugh at how silly I sounded. How excited I would get over a little growth, or how scared I would get over a droopy leaf, or a bug. (Yes, a single bug would freak me out if I found it in the grow room, I would give my ladies deep, and thorough visual inspections daily for any sign of pests, and because of that, I never had a single one I couldn't handle)

I know i've said a shitload just now. But as I said before, it all boils down to how important is this to you? Are you willing to take the time and learn what you need to know to grow some good quality weed? Or do you want to smoke whispy popcorn buds from your own garden?
Only you know the answer my friend.

Link me to a grow thread of yours, and i'll subscribe to it and help you as much as I can.
Good luck, and good growing.
And remember... Read. READ. READ.
And remember... Read. READ. READ.
Best advice you could give the man.

Most of the people here give advice they feel is sound. There is always disagreements on certain methods but you have to make your own decisions. Type of lighting even creates arguments but the need for sufficient, "good" lighting is always something everyone seems to agree on.
So, Ganjanoob, how are the plants doing? Still recovering? dajosh has offered to take you under his wing, so to speak. Take him up on his offer, but do your own research whenever possible. Yes, you will find conflicting information. That's where an experienced mentor really comes in handy. Looking forward to seeing some pics of beautiful ladies in the near future.
Just to add, yeah that definetly looks like not enough light at all. As for cameras, you should just use "Full-auto" and manual focus when shooting your plant. Full auto is usually on the mode wheel (indicated green) and the focus is as always a small slideswitch ON the actual lens ;)
Like dajosh42069 said, you wanna start reading a bit at least. Learn what NPK means and why. Learn a bit about your strain what what the unique traits of it are. Learn what it's suppose to look like and how it's suppose to grow.

Like him, I am also rather addicted to this art called growing. I did not read up much on plant problems, but the reason for adding nutes in different stages and when to add what is really important to understand if you wanna be successful every grow. Lookup my profile and you'll see my first real grow at its end (which yilded 162grams cured material from 4 white widows) which ended quite well due to my dedication. The problems I had, i read up on whenever I saw signs of problems. I inspected my plants every day and cared for them by trimming, adjusting angles, adjusting lights, LST and even played music to them. Now I am 2 weeks into flowering on my 2nd grow (3xWW clones taken from first flowering WWs) and my 3rd is in veg state 2 weeks in.

Whatever problem I meet, I always try to act calm and think about everything I know. If I am lost, I always ask in this forum with as much information as possible. The people answering here are often very experienced with all kinds of grow and they often have the answers clear as day as long as your information provided is accurate. Another reason to read and learn ;)

This post turned out a lot longer than I meant it to be :P

Good luck with your grow, and don't hesitate to ask. I'm by no means an expert but I already went through a dozen problems and solved all of them so far. My biggest lesson will always be: "This plant can take a LOT as long as you keep caring!".
Just to add, yeah that definetly looks like not enough light at all. As for cameras, you should just use "Full-auto" and manual focus when shooting your plant. Full auto is usually on the mode wheel (indicated green) and the focus is as always a small slideswitch ON the actual lens ;)

I had used both the green square and flower on the mode wheel but never noticed the slide switches on the side. This I took today. Thanks.
That being said I have a new problem. Plants did excellent for two days then started showing what I believe to be signs of nutrient burn, leaves drying and cracking and curling, some dark coloration on some. But when I check the pH it shows 6.2?

That almost looks like heat issues...
I could be wrong but... are you sure you're temps are 79.5 and below?
And keep in mind, the grow room temps could be under control, but is that the same temps that your top cola's are getting next to the light?
I wouldn't worry about the lights guys I'm only on my second grow as well but if I have issues I always knock out the easiest solutions(water/nutes, not so much if I over due it but if I'm over or under watering, and temps/humidity , small easy things) but I'm not sure how long u veg'd for but I'm wonder if u up rooted the firt guy?? Like I said only my second grow but u should have at least 3 gallon pots, anyone thing his root system just has a
complete strangle hold on itself. Those look small as it is and they are only half full, no good to me??
Not to mention the stress on these little ladies, but I would really get on google for ur third grow and learn. Info on there is crazy awsome, but beware just lik me, I have no degree in this, just what I see.
That almost looks like heat issues...
I could be wrong but... are you sure you're temps are 79.5 and below?
And keep in mind, the grow room temps could be under control, but is that the same temps that your top cola's are getting next to the light?

I run the lights the 12 hours of night when ambient temps are lowest, and run two large box fans and a ceiling fan 24/7. Hand at the top of the plant is barely warmer than normal. Thermometer at base of plants shows normal (higher than ideal but less than 80) range.The drying/curling occurred two days after replacing the smaller lights with my HID which finally got repaired. For those two days, amazing improvement was occurring. Then almost in a moment, this. I guess it may just be cumulative. So many problems during the repair of the HID and then sudden re-growth?

Yeah, the HID puts out a lot of heat, more then a few CFL's would as far as being close to the light goes.
Your thermometer is at the bottom of the plant. If they're just below 80 at the bottom of the plant, the heat near the top is more then likely higher. I used to have a digi thermometer with a probe that I would hang along side the plants to measure the heat levels near the top of the plants. Most people don't worry about it so much, but just be careful with the heat at the top. It could be another issue... but if I had to guess, i'd say you're burning her up top.
Yeah, the HID puts out a lot of heat, more then a few CFL's would as far as being close to the light goes.
Your thermometer is at the bottom of the plant. If they're just below 80 at the bottom of the plant, the heat near the top is more then likely higher. I used to have a digi thermometer with a probe that I would hang along side the plants to measure the heat levels near the top of the plants. Most people don't worry about it so much, but just be careful with the heat at the top. It could be another issue... but if I had to guess, i'd say you're burning her up top.

I think at this point it may be a combination of problems. I have moved them a little farther from the HID light and took 2 pictures. I am also starting two new ones that will not have to do without the HID for several weeks as these did. I took pictures of the 2 of them at one week. Thanks to those who helped me learn to use the camera, too!
Oh yeah, those spots aren't heat issues.
Check the plant problem section again, and read through the threads that deal with nute problems, that looks like a deficiency of some kind.
Oh yeah, those spots aren't heat issues.
Check the plant problem section again, and read through the threads that deal with nute problems, that looks like a deficiency of some kind.

Yeah, the spots are new in the last day or so. Earlier I had a problem with yellowing at the tips consistent with calcium def and corrected for it, but this looks more like something else. Yet it got worse when I added nutes.

I am having a prob keeping it cool enough under the hid. Ambient is 70 F and I drilled holes in the hood to let it vent and it lowered it, but under the hid at the top still reads 81.

I examined the roots of the one that died and no signs of any root problems, so I presume that is not the issue with the rest.
