Thrichrome color and harvesting


Active Member
Question about harvesting your plants when roughly 1/2 to 2/3 of the trichomes have turned from clear to amber.

I have read posts here that indicate that many grows will take a full 16 weeks of flowering since most grows aren't under perfect conditions. I have also read that if you wait too long to harvest, your plants will lose potency. Can anyone tell me what happens to the trichomes at that point? Do they remain amber? Do they turn milky?

I have plants that are now finishing week 15 of flowering. The trichomes started to turn amber a while ago, but have never reached 50%. The buds are beautiful, but nearly all the shade leafs have withered and died in the last 10 days.

My grow is completely CFL. It seems to take longer for the plants to mature, but I am concerned about waiting too long and losing potency. Is the withering of the shade leaves an indication that the plant has used up all its stored energy and therefore is about to start dying (i.e. I should have already harvested)? Does the trichome color provide any clue about the late stage of the plant (again, do they revert from amber to clear or milky or do they just stay the same)?

Thanks for any and all feedback. It's about time to harvest these, enjoy the results, and start the next crop.

Sorry, no pix available at this time.


Well-Known Member
This is the change you will see in the trichomes

From clear to milky
From Milky to amber
From amber to grey

Once they hit the last one the THC is degrading.



Well-Known Member
I always thought THC started degrading when turning amber. I'm curious too about when is peak potency.

* EDIT * Check out this thread.

Yeah. I always read that when it starts to turn amber the THC is degrading into mostly CBN. This is supposed to produce a more "couch lock" feeling to your high (which is just a personal preference for some) but don't I don't believe it is more potent. THC is more psychoactive than CBN so I can only assume mostly milky white trichomes is where your peak potency will be.

Cannabinol (CBN) is the primary product of THC degradation, and there is usually little of it in a fresh plant. CBN content increases as THC degrades in storage, and with exposure to light and air. It is only mildly psychoactive. Its affinity to the CB2 receptor is higher than for the CB1 receptor.


Active Member
tch is at its hightest point when white. When turning amber the thc starts to decompose. you want CBN level to be higher than thc. pure thc is what makes you depressed(the downer) the cannabanoids are what gets the giggle goin and all that fun stuff. Hope that helped


Well-Known Member

Yes you are correct that when the trichomes are becoming amber it is degrading.

The OP asked what the changes the trichomes took on were.

My point of the grey being degraded was meant as it is past a point where it is usefull to us.



Active Member
Great feedback folks. Thanks very much.

What's everyone's opinion about avg flowering time? I realize it depends on the genetics. Does 16 weeks seem reasonable? Long?

Thanks again for the replies

Max Q

CFL's take longer, but 16 weeks is a hell of a long time but without knowing the strain. Based on what you said about the tichs it seems like you could have harvested a few weeks ago.

Some sativas take up to 16 weeks while some indicas finish flowering in 6 or 7.