tight attic space CFLvs HID


Active Member
OK, i have seedlings, and i am trying to plan my "bloom"room for 4 to 6 plants (planning ahead) My problem is, my grow room is upstairs in an attic like room, with odd shapes, and max height is 41/2feet...NOW, everyone says HID gives ya mo betta buds, and i believe it, however, with plants reaching 3 foot tall..my height, is gonna be an issue...so can i flower with a lower watt hid or should i just plan on tons of industrial strength cfl's in there:blsmoke:please let me know so i can plan my budget accordingly:mrgreen:


New Member
If you are limited for space like that and it is going to be in an attic I would use cfl's. HID are far better but also give off a lot more heat and 4 1/2 feet is not a lot to work with. I have done very successful grows using only cfl's.
Perhaps a small 100 watt or 250 but I am not sure.
Good luck.


Active Member
thx lacy, i was leaning that way as well, if i add enuff hi powered CFls, i have read i will get a decent yeild for 4 to 6 plants lmao:)


Active Member
i am werkin on the "bloom room" planning now I am going with 125 watt grow cfls, at least 2 of them, probably 3 or more, it is not soo much a cost issue here, but a heat and space ie height issue:D


Active Member
i need to figure out a good cheap fan system to kill stink and keep it cool up there, even with cfls, the tight space will get real hawt, and with my freinds, good freinds, that do not smoke i need to figure out a way to kill or minimize the bloom stink BEFORE i get my plants to that point lmao:)


Well-Known Member
with a cool tube on HPS you can get the bulbs within a foot of the growth... i have seen cold air cool tubes that are practically touching the canopy before.

with CFL's, i prefer a bunch of lower wattage bulbs surrounding the plants rather than one or two high wattage points... and that rapidly starts to take up some serious space... also, you might want to consider going with a couple of smaller HPS instead of one big honking heat producing bulb.

another thing to keep in mind is LST and/or ScrOGging to force the plants to stay super short.

i dont hate my CFL's, but i loved my HPS ;)

carbon filters and ion generators do a LOT of good.... a good ion generator will absolutely kill all oder... in fact, it will kill them too well and kill the bouquet of your bud when it gets smoked.

again, CFLs do work... but HPS is soooooooooo much mo better :D


Well-Known Member
Ozone inline generators are meant to be used outside the grow room in a seperapte box that the vented air can flow through and then out of the system, dont put a ozone in you buddin room.


Well-Known Member
an ion generator would probably do better outside the grow also... i just never thought of that when i tried one.... and back then, we didnt have or know about forums.... pardon me while i slap myself in the forehead for not thinking of that then :P


Well-Known Member
Personally with his space I would stick a 400 watt HPS in a cool tube and find a way to cool it inline with the carbon filter, venting out into the attic.

400 watt HPS lights are manageable sources of heat, unlike thier 600, and 1000 counterparts.