Time change taught me a lesson


Well-Known Member

Accidentally put my plants on a 13/11 light schedule for two weeks. Never revegged. I got lucky. What I did learn with this strain (ilgm super skunk) and will try with others. Is it stopped curling in pistils, constantly grew fatter with white pistils, never turning them orange. Just growing huge young flowers. Ive seen this strain pop white pistils right before harvest but week 6 was too soon. Saturday, Ending week 7 of flower I adjusted my fan timer and noticed the lights where 13/11. This is my no means a scientific conclusion. Just sharing my experience from a newbie mistake.. And something others might be curious to try during transition.


Well-Known Member
My plants outdoors begin flowering around 14 hours of sunlight.

I have constantly wondered if a 13/11 indoors is feasible. As I have only grown indoors once and all turned out to be male I haven't had a chance to try it.


Well-Known Member
Im going to try it again. The colas are rock hard from what I can tell and ive had less than desirable temps (90+ degrees quite often). I gently handled a couple to get supports on them. They where laid over on other buds about to snap the stems. I dont think you can finish flower on 13/11. But I believe you can prolong it to help recover from stress