Time From Start To Finish??


Active Member
From start to finish excluding harvest/trim/dry how long can can I estimate it will take.

Is this plan feasible? Any suggestions would help.

Germinate Seeds
1-5 days
Veg Potential Mother Plants
28 days
Take Clones/Veg Clones/Place Moms under 12/12 To Sex
21 Days
Kill Off All Males In Flower and Vegetative Rooms/Continue To Veg Clones
7 days
Take More Clones/Force The Rest Of The Girls To Flower
60 days

So this gives me a potential harvest after 121 days.

Does this sound about right I can't get clones so I have to start from seed and will be using soil. I know by taking the clones and flowering the moms I will have to kill extra plants later but the extra work will save me time.


New Member
veg for 40-45 12-12 then sex in 5-6 days and let finish the standard 45-90 days works best. it all depends on what ur bud looks like and how you want to dry it. some people i know pick after 90 days total.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
This may sound a bit stupid, what why don't you just get feminized seeds, no more cloning, sexing, cutting up males etc. But if your mind is made up, 121 days is a pretty good estimate.


New Member
This may sound a bit stupid, what why don't you just get feminized seeds, no more cloning, sexing, cutting up males etc. But if your mind is made up, 121 days is a pretty good estimate.
can't you still get males occasionally with fem. seeds? i know a dude who had a 8 out of 10 success rate with fem seeds. compared to a 50-50 chance i guess that's better tho.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
can't you still get males occasionally with fem. seeds? i know a dude who had a 8 out of 10 success rate with fem seeds. compared to a 50-50 chance i guess that's better tho.
Depends from whom you're buying. Most decent and known seed companies gave over 90% fem ratio. There are also some tricks that you can use to guarantee 100% fem seeds, like using banana peels, since they give off ethylene, a substance that accentuates female development. Actually, this would also be good for regular seeds to increase your chances of females to some 70%. Just do a search on ethylene and you'll be surprised.:weed:


New Member
what do you do to the seeds/ banana peels to increase the bitch factor Dr.? This sounds like something i would like to know.


Well-Known Member
indeed... i use female seeds a lot, and i've never gotten a bad one... some of them are not as big as the best phenos, but they are all usually female unless you stress them, in which case i think they might turn hermie faster or easier than a plant from regular seed.

if you started with female seeds, you could take a month off of your plan - during the 28 days veg, take cuttings of the best few plants... then flower the moms, and you'll know which clones to keep - if you get 10 female seeds, prob about 4 of them will be a big hearty good yielding pheno that the breeder was after...

once you have this sytem started, you can put regular seeds in with the clones and prepare them to go into flower... and find the females that way - but you will already have an all female crop going, so you arent using your lights to see if your plants are male...

hope that makes sense!


Active Member
fancy....... damn good info.
Yeah thanks for all the info guys. I thought feminized seeds were like 80% but I also was told they were more easily stressed than non feminized. That could be bs or I may have misunderstood.

I do have some feminized seeds so hopefully most will be female which will save work. I am thinking now I will just veg all the moms for 40-45 days as suggested. Then ake a few clones of each and flower the moms to see if they are really moms and not dads. Then I can go back and cull the males in the veg and flower room.

Much thanks allkiss-ass

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I thought feminized seeds were like 80% but I also was told they were more easily stressed than non feminized. That could be bs or I may have misunderstood.
Most feminized seeds, at least the ones from reputed seed companies, have over 95% fem chances. It is true thou that feminized plants are more prone to stress and will usually never grow as fast as regular, untreated seeds (maybe 10% slower), since all that converting, all those chemicals etc that guarantee fem seeds add already some stress.