Time to harvest? Clueless..


New Member
Hi, I put this blackberry kush plant outside back in May. I'm located in Northern CA. I've kept no logs or dates as to exactly how long it's been flowering or anything like that. Fed it well with veg nutes and then flowering nutes. It's one plant and it has some pretty big buds on it. My first time growing but I'm clueless as to if it's ready to harvest. I have no powerful magnifying glass and I'm not buying one. Anyone know by these pics if it's ready to pick? I just really enjoyed growing it and I don't smoke at all but all my friends are excited about trying it. I apologize if these pics are huge. I have no idea how to scale them down but maybe the size of the pic will give you a better look at how far along they are. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. THx.



Well-Known Member
Definitely not done yet. 3 weeks maybe. Btw can we get a full pic of the plant? From what I see you got a very nice plant.


New Member
Okay, Appreciate the feedback but I'll see what others have to say also. I'm located in Northern California. Another two weeks would put me roughly in the middle of the month but four weeks would have me harvesting in November. That doesn't seem right? I broke a small bud off about a week ago and a buddy smoked it and said it kicked his ass. Seems like it must be getting close.


Well-Known Member
Okay, Appreciate the feedback but I'll see what others have to say also. I'm located in Northern California. Another two weeks would put me roughly in the middle of the month but four weeks would have me harvesting in November. That doesn't seem right? I broke a small bud off about a week ago and a buddy smoked it and said it kicked his ass. Seems like it must be getting close.
it IS getting close IMO it does not need 4 weeks but more like 1,


New Member
I'm a total beginner as you can probably tell by my questions but I was thinking along the lines of another week and I'm ready to harvest. This little thing is loaded with some fat buds. I really enjoyed nursing this plant from a somewhat sickly looking clone into a healthy beautiful plant all summer long. Got this far, just don't want to screw up the harvest part.. Thx.


Well-Known Member
you need a magnifying glass to really tell , but its close enough right now. i definatly does NOT need 4 more weeks. maybe a week.
look at them trichs with a glass an that will tell you the truth.



Well-Known Member
I have no powerful magnifying glass and I'm not buying one.
...is there some deep philosophical reason for this? ...or are you just too cheap and lazy?

Microscope - LED Illuminated, Black, 30x

...growing weed, or any other living organism, requires some skills bro, AND some basic tools, ...if you are too lazy to acquire the skills and too cheap to acquire the tools, why would anyone want to hold your hand? ...it's not like this is secret information that you need a special handshake to be let in on, it's actually freely available to anyone motivated enough to go looking for it.

...the truth of the matter is that if you show enough initiative to FIND answers to the easy questions you will earn respect from those of us who have spent years learning how to do this as well as a touch of self-respect as you learn to fish for yourself rather than just begging for one of us to just hand you a fish.

...this isn't new bro, this hobby has been going on for decades, so the information you need is already here and if you let that sink deeply into your mind you will accept the fact that you don't NEED any of us to help you, the help you need is already here!

...there is also the fact that experienced growers are much more likely to lend a hand to noobs who show at least SOME individual initiative, those who ask over-simple questions often only receive conflicting advice from other noobs.

...so don't wait, spend the 5 bucks to buy yourself a handhelp microscope and then go hunting for macro shots of trichome heads so you'll know what to look for.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
good words justa....... for what I know I like helping others, but you said it good, I did a lot of research and reading here before joining, info here for the those looking


Active Member
They have that almost done look to them. I would say no more than one week to go. Just looking at the number of white pistils left on the buds should indicate a plant near to maturity. I know many will say check the trics with a mag loupe. This may very well give you a more accurate idea as to where they are in ripeness as of now. .......I gotta say the buds look really tasty .............you are almost there Nor Cal grower..........start getting out those shears to being harvesting a few more days..


Active Member
lol i was proably wrong but i would suggest not getting 30x and just get the 60x if your gonna get a mag.

smokin away

Well-Known Member
Check eBay and search for a 60x currency scope. Go low to high in the drop down. They have one for less than $3 and well worth it. Don't short change yourself. I used to go by the hairs for years till I got my scope. Those buds keep growing until the leaf tip turns amber but wait till you have ten percent amber on the bud for optimum results. There is also another post earlier up the list with photos showing a completed plant and the happy plumber with this heading: .Sticky: Harvest Time: A Tutorial
Check the last post to view the happy plumber.
Hope this clears it up. Northern CA must be a happening spot right now.