Time to harvest? (pics)

These photos are of separate buds on the same plant taken 4 1/2 weeks into flowering.

This was a late season (begun July 30) grow that was almost entirely outdoors. Dark box used to 12/12 them when I induced flowering. This is my first grow and I made some mistakes such as 1) letting it veg in a too-small pot a little too long. 2) not pruning top crowns during veg stage at the right time. 2) Starting almost two months late for optimum summer sun. Still, I think I got a robust turnout. The plant has about six big buds and eight or ten smaller, lower ones.

Do you think the ones in the photos are ready to be plucked and dried?



Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's hard to tell from the pics but I clearly see upright white pistils so I would agree with 3 weeks or so.

valley grower

Active Member
u said those photos were talen at 4.5 weeks of flowering is that recent? it takes atleast 8 to 10 weeks of flowering on average for marijuana
These beds are at 4 1/2 weeks of flowering. The pics were taken yesterday. I snipped a good bud today (not one of these pictured) because I've read it's good to experiment with early harvests.


Well-Known Member
i would let her go atleast 2 more weeks but really 3... do you think your climate will allow that? might have to startt covering her at night.... or if she is in a pot you can just bring her in at night
To answer your question, theexpress, two things are happening weather-wise. There's less sunlight with every passing day and it is getting awfully close to the frost point at night. I live in the upper south and we have enjoyed a sunny and warm extension of summer. The cold issue I was defeating with the insulated but ventilated dark box I built to induce flowering that does keep the plant relatively warm at night. It is in a pot and for these reasons I pulled it into the insulated back porch about two nights ago. I'm so close to harvesting at this point that I'm willing to sacrifice a little less light for the safety of it not being hurt by the chilly temperatures, insulated dark box notwithstanding.