Time to Harvest? Please Advise...


Active Member

  • what do you think? continue nutrients or begin to flush?

    i do not know the strain... i purchased the seeds from an online bank... the mystery bag... (as a newbie... my mistake... it won't happen again...)

    i'm growing hydroponically... one pot... a 90w UFO LED Grow Light and 2 Dual Spectrum lights... mylar surrounds grow area...

    she's been flowering for nine weeks... white hairs began to show eight weeks ago... i've checked all over and no amber trichs...

    ph is good... humidity is very low, unfortunately...

    i took these pics tonight... some pics without the LED and some with...

    thanks in advance for your comments and/or advice... your consideration is much appreciated!

    "The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world." ~ Carl Sagan quote on marijuana



You are full steam ahead on nutes for at least another week. Hard to say with your lighting, but I'd venture maybe 14 to 17 days weeks until chop, if you're looking for 50/50 cloudy to amber and you're seeing no amber. Also, the plants are pushing out white, so take your time. Have patience and be happy.


Active Member
thank you, thank you, thank you, PaxetBonum, for your input... please know you're appreciated!

i guess i should begin flushing in a week, yes? and, then turn the lights out 72 hours prior to harvesting?

that asked... sure wish i had someone to share my grow with!



Well-Known Member
not enough pics to tell....could you post a few more what are your trichromes looking like?
Yep, more cowbell...er pics :eyesmoke: The trichs on the pics I was able to see sharply looked pretty clear :leaf: And in most cases, although you have some upward curling leaves, these buds look too "alive". Like they are still "cookin". Hard to put into words, but when ripe, buds take on a glow, almost like they are frozen in time. Like the buds have given their all and are now resigned to death. You will know it when you see it. Not seeing that here :mrgreen: A few weeks more perhaps? Check the harvest and cure forum for pics. Good work with these beauties!

Scweetttttttt........... :weed:

R2T :peace:


3-5 weeks at least. I'm leaning more towards the 5. You should get a scope too. Those hairs are still really white, and the buds haven't even fattened up to their full potential yet. What are the temps/humidity? Oh, and no, you don't need to be flushing right now. Right now is a time for heavy nutes in my opinion.