Time to havest? Flowering for 9 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I am guessing it is about time to harvest my first grow. All the hairs on the main buds are about 90% brown but all the little buds on the bottom still have mainly white hairs. As you can see most of the leaves are about dead which blows cause I was really looking forward to making hash.

My second plant wont stop growing. It has been under the exact same conditions as my first one but sprouted about a week later and is almost twice as big. It's starting to turn purple on some of the leaves and is hitting the top of my box....what to do.....:joint:

It is all some good bagseed in miraclegro soil with FF nutes.



Active Member
the plant is sucking out all the nitrogen out of the leaves because its preparing to die because it needs to be harvested, that thing is DONE. imo


Active Member
You could always just harvest the top and leave the rest under the lights until it matures. Also, as you probably know, it's not just about the color of hairs, but the trichromes too...Good luck with the harvest!


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of staggering the harvest, but I might go ahead an use all those popcorn buds in a butter. I think I am going to wait a bit on the bigger plant.


Well-Known Member
yep chop that thing down +rep for u it looks awesome for a first grow , i wish my firs grow came out like that. i would chop down to the bottom braches and let those little buds mature


Well-Known Member
Thanks, i just finished trimming and hanging everything, it should be about an oz. I'm also going to have some nice butter. I got lucky here, I only planted 2 seeds and they both were ladies!