Timer malfcuntion!


Active Member
My cheap timer simply didn't do its job last night after I went to sleep and my girls ended up pulling an all nighter.

Should I change their sleep schedule around or would it be better to keep the schedule the same and let the plants readjust to the stress naturally?


Well-Known Member
What stage of growth are you in?
One night should be ok and you will be ok to keep
to your normal schedual :)


Active Member
What stage of growth are you in?
One night should be ok and you will be ok to keep
to your normal schedual :)
The girls are about 4 weeks into flowering..

I was just about to PK spike them today but when I awoke my girls were awake too!!


Well-Known Member
They will be fine just as long as it doesnt happen again.
You will be ok to revert back to your normal timings.
You know what to do!
Get a decent timer! lol.
Good Luck with the rest of your grow :)


Active Member
They will be fine just as long as it doesnt happen again.
You will be ok to revert back to your normal timings.
You know what to do!
Get a decent timer! lol.
Good Luck with the rest of your grow :)

thanks man, you settled my anxiety haha


Well-Known Member
Is it CFL on a digital timer? CFL will screw up a digital timer so it stays on all the time. It screwed up two of mine and then I switched back to a mechanical timer, you know, the ones with the pegs.


Well-Known Member
Is it CFL on a digital timer? CFL will screw up a digital timer so it stays on all the time. It screwed up two of mine and then I switched back to a mechanical timer, you know, the ones with the pegs.
those are the only ones I've ever used, or ever will use.