Timing to start the flowering precess


New Member
Yeooo guysss! Quick question. Now, my plant is maybe JUST reaching 1 foot. I transplanted it about 5-6 days ago and I think I already see a tinyyy pistol growing and not that "banana bunch" looking sign that males grow. My height is limited not only because of my growing area but because of nosey neighbors lol. Now I know I wont be getting no crazy amount (maybe a quarter if im lucky lol) but I would still like to know, how soon can I start the flowering after the transplant? has it been long enough or should I let the roots spread out more before switching the light? Again, height is not the main factor in this, so im not worried about it being a short ass Sativa plant lol. I can take new pics if you guys wanna check it out. Its only bag seed cannabis.:dunce:


Active Member
you can start the flowering at anytime, few of the plants I have going now I started at around 4/5 inches, they're about 3 feet tall now.


Active Member
I always wait a week or two after a transplant before I put a plant into flower.
Not to say you couldn't just put it right into 12/12 because im sure it would be fine.
But I like to let the plant recover from the transplant and start rooting in the new soil before I switch.


Active Member
Did you top them at all?

If not now is a great time.
Top or super crop them wait a week or two for it to recover from the training and transplant.
It will make the plant wider and allow the roots to start growing into the new soil.
Bigger root system= bigger and more buds.

Just a heads up with most plants you can expect a 1-3 times stretch in the first 2 weeks of flower.
A 1 foot plant will end up 2+ foot after 2 weeks of 12/12.
Most my plants if I flower at 1 foot end up around 4+ foot at harvest time.