

Well-Known Member
Joe listens to Joe Bliss. I have no control over him, just as he has non over me.

Our Views and goals align for the most part, and that is where our relationship stops for now.

With that said, I have read much of what CPU has said. and i have heard it first hand, as can anybody that watches the Hearings from Judiciary. I have also spoke with others including Mal about CPU, the 3MA and the Government and the Act.... Many are on the same fight, but no one is coordinating attacks, every one is fighting their own skirmishes.

But the 3MA is fighting for the Pts and CGs first and formost. Which is why we support the repealtoday effort, why we support dispensaries so long as any of this bill does not quell, or out right eliminate the CG and PT transfer model we have bee working with, even with the CoA false ruling.... Which will be corrected finially when the SC rules. You see, i ll scream and yell until the SC rules. only then is any contentions of the act codified into law. Even when legislation is introduced, the SC can make its ruling< IF a case is presented to them and they accept to hear it.

remember you can read anything you want on a forum. WORDS MEAN ALOT, but Actions speak louder than the words supporting them.

From what I have personally seen, CPU has many questionable agendas that generally are not disposed to public.

One thing you have to see, is Transparency. No one can say the 3MA as an entire organization is behind closed door making ANY Dealings. We have one deal to present to the state. Implement the ACT fully first. THEN we can see IF or What may need to be tweeked.

Also remember the CPU forum is not backed by CPU itself, but strictly one of the members of CPU. Word was last yr (directly from a CPU Member to me) they (CPU ORG) was not pleased about the CPU forum as it put too much light on them from the community the claim to represent.

seems weird a place telling legislators it speaks for the Patients and Caregivers, and it does not want those same Patients and Caregivers to know they (CPU) are claiming they are speaking for them with legislation, dont you think?

Dispensary language can go forward on its own, and be completely separate from the 08 MMM Act. But our Government wants to be sure THEY Have full control over who grows, so they can have full control over how much they can take from it. IF we the People can grow, then They can claim it for their coffers.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Government wants to be sure THEY Have full control over who grows, so they can have full control over how much they can take from it. IF we the People can grow, then They can claim it for their coffers.

That's where you are wrong. The Government wants accountability
for the grow...not control of. Big difference..huge as a matter of fact.



Well-Known Member
bob your name is bob not Tim.

(feel SO BAD for this guy now that i realize he is really mentally impaired) Gosh, just sad.


Well-Known Member
Then why did Joe push all these guys out the door? Anyone that questions anything gets banned from MMMA?

There are plenty of people in this State that are alot smarter than Joe that want to fight our cause, but it seems Joe wants the spotlight?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Which is how you view anyone that doesn't have Parkinsons disease.

You strike me as the type that was never taught to share.

Only child?
Not true..I believe many many many people deserve this law, for many medical reasons.

I also see tons of criminals hiding behind it. Can you twell me that you don't think there is anyone abusing this law?

Youngest of 4..yup had to learn to share.


Well-Known Member
Not true..I believe many many many people deserve this law, for many medical reasons.

I also see tons of criminals hiding behind it. Can you twell me that you don't think there is anyone abusing this law?

Youngest of 4..yup had to learn to share.

"Abusing the law" would be people not staying within plant counts, or people rolling around with a pound of weed when they're only allowed to have 2.5 ounces. That may be someone who qualified for chronic pain, or someone who qualified for Parkinsons.

I have a problem with people abusing the law too, bob. The difference between you and I is that I'm not trying to play doctor. I don't care what a person has been diagnosed with, so long as they follow the law. You on the other hand seem to be greedy, and want to have it your way as to who gets to play, and who doesn't.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
You're delusional Bob, really thinking people will believe you grow seeds from the vietnam war and drive to cali and get it tested in a lab. You post pics of a grow room that look like pics cops take when they do a raid. All your bud pics are mixed quality and obviously from different cameras. You're either a cop, or a sad lonely fuck.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
You're delusional Bob, really thinking people will believe you grow seeds from the vietnam war and drive to cali and get it tested in a lab. You post pics of a grow room that look like pics cops take when they do a raid. All your bud pics are mixed quality and obviously from different cameras. You're either a cop, or a sad lonely fuck.

Never said I drive to cali to get it tested...that;s you assuming things.I said it was tested in Cali....ever consider that a sample for testing could easily be taken back by a visiting friend? of course not...too easy...had to make it an impossible task. Never said it was war era..though it has been in West Mi for many many years. I'm not the only one with the strain..before the dispensaries shut down..it made it to some under the name "citrus haze" because we didn't know what to call it......and it does have a citrus taste..and people associate "haze" with Sativa.....

Maybe ypou wre fortunate enough to try some..and didn't know it was mine..just sayin

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Never said I drive to cali to get it tested...that;s you assuming things.I said it was tested in Cali....ever consider that a sample for testing could easily be taken back by a visiting friend? of course not...too easy...had to make it an impossible task. Never said it was war era..though it has been in West Mi for many many years. I'm not the only one with the strain..before the dispensaries shut down..it made it to some under the name "citrus haze" because we didn't know what to call it......and it does have a citrus taste..and people associate "haze" with Sativa.....

Maybe ypou wre fortunate enough to try some..and didn't know it was mine..just sayin
Yeah sure, man. Bullshit all day long.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what "Anyone" thinks, mj should be legal worldwide.

That sure would cut down the debate, and make it fair for everyone;)

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Bob is a cop with a weed card.
Yup..that must be it..makes sense...Get a cop..give him a weed card..build him a grow room..then pay him to argue with like 3 total morons all day...perfet logic..

Way easier to belive than I'm a legitimate patient that would like to see the med law work....


Well-Known Member
Never said I drive to cali to get it tested...that;s you assuming things.I said it was tested in Cali....ever consider that a sample for testing could easily be taken back by a visiting friend? of course not...too easy...had to make it an impossible task. Never said it was war era..though it has been in West Mi for many many years. I'm not the only one with the strain..before the dispensaries shut down..it made it to some under the name "citrus haze" because we didn't know what to call it......and it does have a citrus taste..and people associate "haze" with Sativa.....

Maybe ypou wre fortunate enough to try some..and didn't know it was mine..just sayin

SO, you have a friend drive cannabis across multiple state lines, *(FEDERAL OFFENSES) and take all the risk so your sorry ass can set here and find targets for LEO?