Tingly body buzz feeling?

Hey a long time ago I smoked this stuff that gave me a tingly body buzz. I was so intensely high that I had a lay down. When I rolled over in bed, it felt as if every fraction of an inch i moved my body felt like click click click click. Was my shit laced? LOL. No but seriously, you ever get "waves" through your body? What kind of strains have this type of effect? I would assume a very heavy, if not, pure indica?

One old head told me it's likely whatever bag weed i smoked was over matured and that was a heavy effect from weed that was matured too long. He said he has smoked some stuff that was 90% amber and it made him feel very sick. I too have felt that way buying some bag weed before too. Never knew it was from too mature bud.

Any thought appreciated. Hope whomever reading this had a great 420
You might try Sunset Sherbert. It's a body stone.