Tiny little yellow worms on the underside of my leaves!! Please help!!

Bobby Buffont

Active Member
these suckers are really tiny.. they are yellowish fast lil caterpillar type worms on the underside, and top of my leaves.. im 1 week into flower.. i need to get this under control before i start to produce.. they are maybe as big as an eyelash.. and there are about 5 to 6 per leaf!! someone be my savior!!



New Member
dude you need to buy some neem oil or some type of organic insecticide asap ! little worms sounds like cattapillars ! thell eat your leaves place there seeds in the soil them more little worms will come you better hurry up !


Well-Known Member
dude you need to buy some neem oil or some type of organic insecticide asap ! little worms sounds like cattapillars ! thell eat your leaves place there seeds in the soil them more little worms will come you better hurry up !

Wow i actually have to agree with this guy on using neem oil but remember only use it till about the 5th-6th weeks into flowering because if you use it too later your nugs will taste like shit..
The little bugs you see are thrips not catterpillars... You need to drench your soil with azatrol its better then neem oil. since thats were the little effers live and hatch there eggs .... repeat evry week until there gone... the azatrol is safe to use on your budding plants just make sure you flush or it will leave a nasty after taste.. p.s dont forget to spray the plants atleast once to...also azatrol is an antifeedant so it will take maybe 7days to start seeing results but its very effective.. Peace out... Blaze it...lol
these suckers are really tiny.. they are yellowish fast lil caterpillar type worms on the underside, and top of my leaves.. im 1 week into flower.. i need to get this under control before i start to produce.. they are maybe as big as an eyelash.. and there are about 5 to 6 per leaf!! someone be my savior!!
