Tiny seed


Well-Known Member
Hey I just have a quick question for anyone who knows a little something about marijuana seeds. Last week i got some weed that had some seeds in it and i decided to save them for next years gorrilla grow. I took all the seeds and seperated the white/gray dead seeds out. I noticed I have 1 seed that is really small and is about 1/3 the size of all the other healthy seeds. The seed looks totally normal it's just like 1/3 the size of the others. I need to know if it will still grow even though it's small.
ps. This year I'm going all out.. Last year was a huge fail of a grow


Well-Known Member
Hi Smoke,

What I can tell you is the small seed will probably grow a small plant.
When you look at the seeds look for the best formation of the seed. The seeds that have a perfect upside down volcano shape and curved top, with no deformations will be your best plants and most likely to be female.​