Tiny white spots.


Well-Known Member
One of my plants are starting to get tiny white spots on some of the leaves and i'm wondering is this a problem? They aren't all over the place yet, just on a couple of leaves there are a few tiny white spots

How can i fix this and is this a concern?


Active Member
could be spider mites, check the bottoms of the damaged leaves for mites & webs. you may need a magnifying lens

if it is mites, treating the leaves (especially the bottoms) should help.


Well-Known Member
Yep, starts out with little white dots, thats the holes in the leaves they use to go to the bottom of the leaf to lay eggs. Yep it is a reason for concern. YOu need to address this right away. VV


Well-Known Member
Whats a good safe way to get rid of them before it spreads?
There was a lady bug under the leaf last night might of been eating some of them.


Well-Known Member
Whats a good safe way to get rid of them before it spreads?
There was a lady bug under the leaf last night might of been eating some of them.
Lots of lady bugs would solve the problem, one probably won't unless you only have a plant or two. Several good insecticide's are available, most contain neem oil which is a natural substance, safe around kids and pets. VV