tips and leaves turning yellow


was thinking nutes or soil mix up 1 litre at a time water sits for a few days and i add 2 ml of a and b nutes and 2.5 ml of cannazym and 1 ml of rhyztonic ph is at 5.9 any suggestions on what levels i should drop to a little unsure and trying to research on levels cheers :?


hey thanks for the help guys much appreciated, soil im using is searles 5 in 1 organic plant food and yes fan is constantly blowing when lights are on 18/6 but have it directed at the wall behind plants in picture's and temp is sitting at 28-30 degrees second grow but first with super skunk seeds and i water once a day bout 50ml each plant bout to transplant into final pots and was giong to mix soil with blood and bone mix but was thinking of getting better soil and suggestions cheers


Well-Known Member
ph in soil should be in the 6.5 range. Its a lockout of certain nutes. Interesting to see that her leaves appear to be in a very healthy position. Very fixable. Careful on the nutes. Less is way better. Get the dead leaves off the floor or you'll have mites soon. People want to "overlove" things and it ends up as a problem most of the time. Good luck. Welcome to RIU.


Well-Known Member
i think coho's right. it's probably a nute burn, that's the same thing that happen in my first grow, but good thing that i flushed them immediately. thanks to the people here, they immediately responded to my first grow and plant problems.


Well-Known Member
My plant that looked like this had root rot from too much moisture (my first grow, so a newbie mistake on my part). I'd check on those precious roots!


Well-Known Member
To me it lookslike nutrient burn, caused by some kind of specific nutrient deficiency, eithermore or less. But there is the chance it could be a soil based problem as well,could you post closer pictures of the bottom part of the plant? Iactually had the exact same thing happen (looks the same) to a few of myplants on my last crop, and I did some research to pinpoint the problem andfound the solution here. Hope this helps and happy growing. If the problems persist re-post morepictures and actions taken.

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
you water once a day... youre using nutes and your soil has nutes in it.... watering once a day is far too much... this size id say give her a half gallon and wait at least a few days.learn to water by pail weight not set amounts... in other words pick up the pot when its dry and when its wet... learn the difference and only water when the pot is light... mine when this size get water once about every 4 or 5 days... in nature they dont get measured daily. although we we want to be better then nature it should be done through care. Overwatering actually means your going to be a great grower because you are really paying attention... too much though. I did it at first... youll be surprised how fast they take off when you water in this manner... best of luck


here is update pic of me babies and one not doing so well but the first one is looking better im in australia am interested whats the best nutrients brand im using canna now and not so happy with the results and will i be better to stay with soil or gowith different growing medium and what would be the best way will be flowing in two weeksDSC_0126.jpgDSC_0125.jpgDSC_0127.jpg



have been watering way less and less nutrients and i have th ph at 6.4 now need help was hoping plant would be more along by now planted on the 27th of april had first signs of growth on the 1st of may the seeds i using are super skunk gross blueberry sourced through a mate not sure if he right does that exist or am i just using super skunk which is what i think and were would be the best place to order seeds and which ones i should try cheers