Tips and Tricks for Harvesting????Dry em out?LongerDark Cycle? etc. etc. etc.

Im fixing to harvest my garden, atleast part, because 1 strain is way ahead of the others. Are there any special tricks to harvest?? Should I let her completly dry up after the final flushing? And what about extended dark period?? Ive been reading so much that my eyes are turning red, oh my wive just told me thats from hitting the bong the whole time Im at the pc. LOL Seriously though any tips, tricks and advice would be greatly appreciated by this newbie!!!!
PS:Any advice on curing would be appreciated, I bought one of those tall drying racks,
should I use it or are there better ways? I heard its good to just chop the plant down and let the whole thing dry???Whats better???


Active Member
Ummmmm...there's a whole forum section on Harvesting/Curing buddy, I'd head that way and do some reading. Everything you need to know and tons more you'll find...even different methods and practices people use.


Active Member
plain and simple no.
there are no tricks.. keep it simple do the things everyone else is doing (because they are what works)

i always say if 24 dark before flowering worked well wouldnt we all be doing it?

ull get a great harvest sticking to the way nature does it.
simple 12/12 light. good bloom nutes. add some co2 or make your own. + some love
and youll be very happy with the harvest.

a "trick" you might want to try is top the plant a week befor flowering. and ull end up with 2 nice colas instead of 1.
try that for now and good luck :)
i would do 24 hours dark, use plain water the last few days before you chop
cut the colas off, have a super sticky trimming session, then hang them on your drying rack, let them dry for 2-4 days, pulling off buds as they dry out (they're ready when you can snap a stem. This will seem too dry but it is amazing what curing does), starting with the smallest first until they are all done,
move the buds into jars and open these jars 2 to 3 times a day and otherwise keep them sealed. resist the urge to smoke for at least a week as the longer you wait the better, your buds will be perfect after 3 weeks