Tips and Tricks on Hyrdo!


Active Member
Ok, im buying a WaterFarm 8 bucket system but only goiong to use 6 ( if that is possible ) I have one 600 Watt Hortilux HPS Bulb W/ a Yield Master2 Reflector and EconoGro Ballast. Also be using Co2. The wire I'll be using is a plastic square pattern or chicken wire (2 inch holes) I'll be using a box that is 5x5x7 in demension everything Mylar top to bottom. I'll be growing a Gravity strain which is an Indica from 3 seeds which im planing to grow then clone from.

1st Question is there enough room in there to fit my 6 buckets, light/s, table, rez, screen setup and maybe a Dehumidifier?

2nd Question is that how large of a screen am i goging to be using to grow all 6 of my plants or do I need to make a bigger box or less buckets?

3rd Question is that will just one 600 Watt HPS bulb do the trick or should i go out and buy another 600 Watt set up (or even 2 400 Watt HPS insted of the two 600 HPS)

4th Question is that where should I cut the tips from the plant before i put it under the screen and veg out some more. And how tall should they be before I do this?

5th Question is what would the yield be looking like with a setup like this. Aiming for 4+ Ounces... Research said on this strain says big yield but i dont think they meant in SCRog terms...

The rest of the questions I'll post once I'm under way but any opinions, advice, or even questions to me about my setup WILL HELP!


Well-Known Member
Hello, I will try and answer your questions bud.

1. I think there is ample room in there to setup 6 plants. Of course in my mind these plants are trainable and can be grown small if desired or 20ft tall if you have the room.

2. I don't understand your question here really. Your setup sounds good from what you wrote, sounds like you will be using 2" space wire in a SCog setup.

3. The 600W should work, most places I read say a 6x6 area is about what you can expect. You are using a 5x5 area.

4. You decide really, I am going to eventually do a scrog method also, I will probably have my screen about a foot high. You have way more room than me you can do it anywhere really. Most pictures I have seen I would judge that they have their screens setup anywhere from 1ft in small grow areas to 3ft in larger grow areas.

5. Yields vary but you aren't being unreasonable in what you would like to achieve with that space. I bet you get more.