Tips Burn, and curl straight up


Active Member
I don't know what the problem is. I tried to look up the problem but got nothing.

A small part of the tips are burn and points upward.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Are you getting small rust spots anywhere as well?
Could be a magnesium deficiency.
But you will see such deficiency results if the roots are wet/cold or if the soil is to acidic/cold.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure sure shot is right with that mag deficiency. I had hard water where im at and the calcium in the water was locking out the mag. Get some epsom salt and you should be fine


Active Member
Yea I just read about magnesium deficiency. It sounds exactly like the problem I am having. Thanks the the help guys.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
and yeah if you let the tap water sit open for at least 24 hours it will evaporate most of the chlorine in it


Well-Known Member
or just boil it.

I say get a $5 pH test kit and go from there. Use a LITTLE squirt of lemon juice to adjust your pH. Works wonders!

My clone is having similar problems. How do I go about using the Epsom salt?


Well-Known Member
i use 1 teaspoon epsom salt every 3erd water if done weekly er every5 days, and 1 fourth apple cider vinegar, i add these to one gallon of water, use the fish tank drops for your waters chlorine , works great for me.