tips curling problems


Active Member
hello all,

I have 2 strands, some heavy indica himalayan golds and some g13 power skunks. the g13's are more sativa.

the issue I am having is with the g13's their tips are becomming burnt and curling up. The rest of the leave is seemingly fine. on the larger leaves that arent new the tips are sagging downward like the plant is overwatered but the majority of the leaves are green and good. Some of the indica is commin in bright green for the young parts where the rest of it is solid dark green. Is this normal?
how do i solve the tips burning and curling?

right now this is what I have the plants at exactly:
coco-coir/peat mix - nute-less mix
monkey juice feed at 700ppm @ 6.5PH
the himalayan gold is about 1 month old and is 4.5-5" above dirt, and the longest spaced node is 1". The g13 is 5.5-6.5" tall and the longest nodes are 1.5" apart.
400w HPS more than 36" above plants. I have 1 plant budding thats closer to the light and not burning or curling at all.

no tip curling on the HG just on the G13, using the same feed for both plants kept in a pump sprayer so it does not evaporate water and get more concentrated, it is aerated through the spray tip so plants get a awesome aeration feed.

I have been nute feeding every feed.

any ideas?


New Member
Sativas are usually more sensitive to nutes; that is to say they don't need very much fertilizer.... especially if you're watering everyday. Even with the coco, you shouldn't need to be watering everyday either.

What's the quality of water you're using as a base?


Active Member
not feeding everyday only feeding when soil becomes dry 1" down. watering with straight city tap water from ground water has a ppm of 100 and after nutes it sits at 7.0ph I use 2-3ml of vinegar to drop it to around 6.4-6.5 and 700ppm ( so i am adding 600ppm of nutes )

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You are over ferting your G-13 and your HG too. Over ferting causes deficencys later down the line. You really should be ferting every other watering so the fertilizer salts are flushed out every other time! The HG is a heavy feeder but the ferts need to be leached out so salts dont build up in your medium. Flush your G-13 and cut back on the nutes and it will be fine. Just for the record the different breeds of pot are called strains not a strands. Good luck with your grow. Peace Out!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
If you use tap water add some Chlorine Remover or Pond Water Detoxifier from the pet store. It removes all the bad stuff and you dont have to wait 24hrs to use your water.


New Member
not feeding everyday only feeding when soil becomes dry 1" down. watering with straight city tap water from ground water has a ppm of 100 and after nutes it sits at 7.0ph I use 2-3ml of vinegar to drop it to around 6.4-6.5 and 700ppm ( so i am adding 600ppm of nutes )
Okay... not watering everyday, muh bad. When you see tips burning, all you gotta do is cut back the nutrient, and you'll be good. Try halving the fertilizer so your feed water is at 400 ppm and go from there.

You should consider using EC as it is much more accurate. PPM is just an interpretation of EC and has many different values depending on which meter you're using. See, you're @ 700 ppm, but I would recommend 700 - 800 microsiemens (.7 - .8 EC) for such small plants.


Active Member
ok i got you on the PPM / EC differences.

I added 1 liter of fresh water, then stabilized the PH to 6.5, flushed with ph 6.5 bottle water once each. the 1 liter i added to was the 3.75 liters of nuted 700PPM feed water in the pump sprayer. this lowered it down to 500PPM.

could chlorine be doing this to the tips? I am still having an issue, and I put dechlorinator in right away just not sure. I will have to pick up a EC meter.

I would prefere not to have to buy water but if i have to what is the best water to buy for feed water so I dont have to worry about tap. right now my tap comes out at 155ppm which isnt bad at all i think for ground water. does not come from well comes from water table, city filtered. Hard water too.