Tips For Other Noobs (what worked for me/what didnt)


When I planted in large pots it was harder to handle and all the seeds failed, all 6.
used plastic cups with drainage holes in bottom, that worked well.

When i used miracle grow organic soil, it sucked ass, dont use it as ur only soil i guess in a mix it would be ok., but it has lost of wood in it. Try to use peralite in your soil mixture.

Miracle grow potting mix worked for 2 people i know and currently i am using it with a 100 percent germination rate. but if you can avoid using it, do so, its a very hot soil.

Growing seedling next to a window, touchy, once they are a centimeter above the ground go ahead and get them under the cfl or hps or mh whatever.

Hydrogen peroxide, used it on my seeds and got a 100 percent germination rate, used 1/2 tbs 2 days after i planted them.. although if you are using beneficials you will have to re apply them after using Hydrogen peroxide.

All my seeds germed in a temperature of 64-72 degrees, and are growing and healthy as of now.

I am keeping new plants 2 feet away from a high powered light, like hps or mh, dont want to cook them.

To increase co2, I open the closet door during the day, and open both windows in the room (with blinds down), I live next to a busy freeway lots of co2 outside.

if ur just doing a closet grow dont listen to the assholes that tell you that you have to but spend 1000 bucks on lighting, not trur, cfls grow plants just fine, a 400 watt MH or Hps will also work. If you you cant have a lot of ventilation, use the hps cause it makes less heat, also MH is good for veg growth, whereas HPS is good for flowering.

Be patient and ask question.

The most common demise of plants grown indoors is overwatering, be careful.

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