Tips on Transplant

Got 2 clones earlier than wanted so i planted one in a Styrofoam cooler the other in a house plant pot. I recently bought 3 gallon smart pots and wanna transplant without causing stress.

Im confused on how to get the plant out without hurting the roots.

The plants are currently in unbuffered coco coir which is another reason for transplant.


Well-Known Member
You can't get them out without hurting the roots if you want to remove the coco. if the roots are established you just shake the container and they fall out as one. If they are not well established you need to dig it out and give ample room around, put the hole mass in warm water in a bucket and try to let as much medium fall of as can and transplant. There will be shock, so way around it, may not be a lot.


Well-Known Member
Got 2 clones earlier than wanted so i planted one in a Styrofoam cooler the other in a house plant pot. I recently bought 3 gallon smart pots and wanna transplant without causing stress.

Im confused on how to get the plant out without hurting the roots.

The plants are currently in unbuffered coco coir which is another reason for transplant.

No need to remove the coco. That will likely cause a lot of stress. If the plants have only been in those containers for a short time I'd just scoop them out with a garden trowel or if still quite small a big spoon would work.

Prep your new pots with moist media leaving a hole for the plants. Spray some water in the hole so it's wetted for the bare roots then scoop the plants out and move them over then water the new pots well.

If the clones have been in a while you might want to use a bread knife to saw a cone shaped root ball into the pots so any long roots won't hang up as you lift the plants out. Don't fret about cutting off some roots. I saw the bottom off the root balls at each transplant.

Just did 5 plants from 1L pots to #2 pots the other day. They were all getting root-bound but the roots were thick, white and healthy but I sawed them off anyway. Now they will all branch out with thousands of fine feeder roots to get those girls rockin!

