To chop or not to chop

It still needs to swell and ripen more. 2ish weeks is totally safe, depending on the strain it might even want 3 :). Patients is key.

It’s very easy to harvest too early, it’s really hard to harvest to late. As a matter of fact I’ve never seen someone accidentally harvest too late in my last 15 years growing.
Ok I think that's where I been going wrong chopping to early ok I'll wait 2 weeks

Most new growers and even some veteran growers chop too early. The thing is you don’t even know what your missing until you actually take the time to let the plants finish right. Post more pictures in 2 weeks and we will check it out again. In the next couple weeks it probably won’t look like it’s growing much, but it will be swelling internally. That will increase density once it dries, and will add significant weight. I’ve watched strong branches bend over from weight in only 3-4 days during the last couple weeks.
It's already leaning this was just a clone I had taken right before my outdoor bud started flowering so it's not that big
It is most definitely this will be my best bud grown yet im on my third try or fourth I can't remember but I think it was the switch to dry amendments what helped me a lot still learning tho but aren't we all
Yeah mate. I'm on my first only doing one plant but it's an experiment just to get techniques right . Nice growing tho pal.