To Crop, or Not to Crop?


Active Member
Two days ago i topped the plant because the top cola was startin to rot from the heavy rain, it has been flowring for about 9weeks now and at night the temp is droppin to about 9 degrees should i crop?



Well-Known Member
Two days ago i topped the plant because the top cola was startin to rot from the heavy rain, it has been flowring for about 9weeks now and at night the temp is droppin to about 9 degrees should i crop?
What strain are you growing.

Get those plants inside, those temps will kill them off


Well-Known Member
to be honest with you, if you can't get them inside ASAP i dont think you have much of a reason not to crop them!!!! it's either u crop them ASAP or you loose al that lovely looking bud - it looks to me like a cross, but looks VERY tasty - TIME TO GIVE IT THE SNIP AND SMOKE IT UP


Active Member
to be honest with you, if you can't get them inside ASAP i dont think you have much of a reason not to crop them!!!! it's either u crop them ASAP or you loose al that lovely looking bud - it looks to me like a cross, but looks VERY tasty - TIME TO GIVE IT THE SNIP AND SMOKE IT UP
How should i dry it out


Active Member
how do you suggest i dry it out when i cut it down?
I don't think you'll 'lose the bud' like suggested by leaving it in the ground - as long as you keep an eye on it daily. You may get some decent warmer weather. Those fan leaves that have turned purple isn't of too big a concern. Where I live we sometimes get early frost, and I know people who will let their plants have some of that, before harvest.
Too much of course, will kill the plant - but some strains seem to tolerate light frost for short periods of time.
A common way to dry it, is to cut the plant at the bottom and hang it upside down. You may want to trim fan leaves at this point. Some do, some don't. After a week or so, you may clip the branches off the main stem, as well as remove fan leaves, and hang it again. Some will cure it in paper bags, you'll find your own method.
When you feel confident that your bud is dry enough - like when the branches will break - you may manicure it, and put it in mason jars. Keep a close eye on the content in your jars, by opening them, and sniff for mold. Mold can and will ruin your pot, if allowed to develop, and it has a foul smell - like ammonia if it's really bad.
Just make sure you don't close the lids, and put it away before you have double-checked for humidity.


Well-Known Member
Two days ago i topped the plant because the top cola was startin to rot from the heavy rain, it has been flowring for about 9weeks now and at night the temp is droppin to about 9 degrees should i crop?

if your 9 weeks into flowering your almost done and thats kinda small buds bro for that long, and i wouldnt super crop it bro i would just leave it man because it wouldnt do anything for it at all man you only have 1-4 weeks left depending on the strain