To fertilize any longer or not


Well-Known Member
Hi all, like a lot of us, I as well am dealing with this shit September weather.
Already have mold on one plant that I isolated and have not fed her any feet in two weeks cause I don't know how much longer she will last with the rot issues.

Question is in regards to other 3 plants that are in good shape...
Buds on one of the plants are massive( arm size) and wondered if I should all together stop fertilizing all together.. freaked out the density of the buds are going to invite more mold..

They are all covered in separate greenhouse with fans funning 24/7
Basically asking if stopping fert will slow down their finishing time or just produce less dense buds?

I'll take smaller buds over mold issues in huge buds.

Thanks again all, new grower and this last month has been stressful as F


Well-Known Member
Hi all, like a lot of us, I as well am dealing with this shit September weather.
Already have mold on one plant that I isolated and have not fed her any feet in two weeks cause I don't know how much longer she will last with the rot issues.

Question is in regards to other 3 plants that are in good shape...
Buds on one of the plants are massive( arm size) and wondered if I should all together stop fertilizing all together.. freaked out the density of the buds are going to invite more mold..

They are all covered in separate greenhouse with fans funning 24/7
Basically asking if stopping fert will slow down their finishing time or just produce less dense buds?

I'll take smaller buds over mold issues in huge buds.

Thanks again all, new grower and this last month has been stressful as F