To flower or not to flower

Alright so my question is i have a plant sour d that is stunted because i accidently cut half of the roots when i was transplanting..the root ball snaped right in half ..i transplanted it anyways in a new 32 gallon trash bin and left it at that ..its been over two weeks and nothing ..the thing that gets me worried is its tooped alot and she has alot of tops but there all real small so what im asking is will i have nothing but small lil buds?? or will it triplie in size like how they say sour d does when it flowers.....i was planin to flower it begining of september but im just thinking to stop wasting time and just flower it ..what should i do ??..


Well-Known Member
You will want to wait until you see at least SOME new vegetative growth. Otherwise you will spend that time during flower recovering instead of the plant exploding and fruiting.