To many Damn Plant Help


Maybe you guys can help me real quick.... Sry to Bug...
I have a pot, I threw some seeds in without germenating them. Now all of a Sudden I have 5 little babys. (Awwww How Cute). Anyways what should I do? I dont want to kill them but I dont want to have a 50gal bucket growing in my basement?
So i guess my question is...:confused:
Am I screwed?


All Help would be helpful:confused::cry:

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Well, what were you thinking you were gonna do when you planted them?

Why not just put each one in their own three gallon bucket and give them each a silly name?


Well-Known Member
i often throw a bunch of seeds into a pot to germinate. once they have popped up, just take the soil out of the pot and gently tear it apart. as long as it's dryish, the seedlings will come out, root intact. then transplant.


Active Member
wat a hassle, but like above stated jus use single pots per seed, ease of mind and not have to stress any of em


Well-Known Member
My suggestion, put them into individual solo cups, throw into 12/12 immediately to see sex asap, then shitcan the males, transplant the females.