To much of a good thing. Help.

So I am 3 weeks into flowering on my first grow. All is really well except that my plants have out grown my system. I am using a DWC with three inch net cups in a 2'x3'x6" tub and plants are to tall and heavy, causing them to tip and then push the netcup through the top of the container.(myroom is 3'x4'x7') I have strung up some yarn running across the room to support the plants, but I am now left with the problem of how to clean my tub once a week.

So my questions are:
Can I just siphon new water in for the rest of the flower cycle and not clean the tub?
If not, What would be a better way to support the plants?

A little more info on the grow.
4- purple trainwrecks
1- blue cheese
1- connisuer
I do know that on my next grow that I will avoid growing 3-4 foot plants in 3" netcups.
Hopefully this isnt the catalyst for my ggrow going to shit.

Whats Fonzi? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
could you not put some bolted eyed hooks through the lid an tie them to the roof use some washers though should work


Well-Known Member
i have the same problem, well i dont really consider it a problem, my plant has gotten so big that it has leaned pretty hardcore over the side, but it is also cuz i LST'd it because they were getting too big, its not a problem to clean, i just take it out put em in containers that can hold the net cups and add water, then i take my rez and wash it out. takes like 30min to do it all, you could tie em up all u want, they will only get bigger. you can check mine out in my signature, only one is doing it tho. i perfer them to lean a bit so light gets to all the bud sites.