To pull fan leaves or not

I got a couple homeboys that have told me to pull fan leaves and a couple that say don’t last year I get outdoor that came out looking like indoor but it didn’t have that dense bud we all want . Is that from the fan leaves ?

Grow So High

Well-Known Member
How dense your buds come out to be is from genetics and light not the leaves. If you cut off the bottom fan leaves in veg in return you redirect the plants energy to the top of the plant which is what you want. I personally grow indoors and cut off all the lower fan leaves on the first day of flower. depending on your genetics if you cut off fan leaves deep into flower you may run into hermie issues.
How dense your buds come out to be is from genetics and light not the leaves. If you cut off the bottom fan leaves in veg in return you redirect the plants energy to the top of the plant which is what you want. I personally grow indoors and cut off all the lower fan leaves on the first day of flower. depending on your genetics if you cut off fan leaves deep into flower you may run into hermie issues.
Ok just was wondering I had mixed reviews on this technique .


Well-Known Member
Google photosynthesis

every part of your plant that is green is capable of photosynthesis but there is one particular part of the plant that is solely devoted to photosynthesis. This special part of the plant is built to maximize photosynthesis. It has a large surface area so that it can collect as much light as possible. The underside of this part of your plant is covered with microscopic holes that actually open and close in real time allowing the plant to collect carbon dioxide as it collects sunlight (if you googled photosynthesis you’ll know why it is important that your plant needs carbon dioxide).

The part of the plant I am referring to above are fan leaves.

There are certainly times when it makes sense to prune or cut a plant back. Low stress training (LST) and “topping” are proven methods to maximize yield. But removing fan leaves simply so the plant looks cleaner and less cluttered is a mistake. Those leaves are your plants primary source of energy and it is inside those big fan leaves where the plant coverts all the nutrients you are giving it in order to grow and as importantly thrive.