to the Kush experts


Well-Known Member
im tryingng three of them right now im gardening since this January is there anything you can tell me good or bad about this plant

i heard a short stumpy wide plant

I heard its easy to grow

i also heard it stinks even in veg

i eard low yield if want more veg longer

please add

im in week 9 on two of them and week 7 on the other

im trying a new food kushie kush by adv nuts just for kush and experimenting with organics

well wish me luck and the best of luck to you


New Member
food just for kush? tell me more... i got a power kush it rocks great leaf structure really makes use of space and light and it reeks like the digs kid


Active Member
I am by no means an expert, but I smoke one strain or another of Kush basically every single day.

Different hybrids will grow differently. Most of ours are done in 8-10 weeks. The ones we grow are shorter, fatter plants that do like to be supercropped. Most of them look like bushes rather than trees, but I'd assume thats just how the person who handles the plants makes them grow.

As for the smell, I don't notice much in the veg. room, but we don't veg as long as some other people do. We also have some great odor control, and i always wear a dust mask when in any of our grow rooms. Call me paranoid, but i/we like to keep everything super sanitary.

I've never tried Kushie Kush, but Advanced does make a quality lineup. How much of it is hype is what i question. We've used the same nutes since long before I even joined the club, and it works well, so why change?

Lots of great Kush strains out there, so try some and enjoy the experience. Best of luck to ya.


Well-Known Member
Advanced Nutrients Kushie Kush 1 Liter (Back to product)
Home » Nutrients, Fertilizers & Growth Enhancers » Advanced Nutrients

Advanced Nutrients Kushie Kush 1 Liter Discounts Apply !


(Enlarge) Kushie Kush is the only bloom booster specifically designed and tested to give you more potency and weight from your kush plants.

All major sub varieties of Kush were tested so this formula contains exactly the right ingredients that your kush need to produce larger more medicinal yields

Kushy Kush is the bloom booster Kush lovers have been waiting for.

Guaranteed Analysis:

Available Nitrogen (n) 1.0%
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 7.0%
Soluble Potash (K20) 17.0 %
Magnesium (Mg) 1.0%


Use 2ml per Liter durng weeks 1-6 of the flowering stage

Price: $44.95

41.95 USD

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well how do you like that i go seeking the kush experts it turns up im the expert

good luck to you guys



Active Member
hey been wondering about kushie kush..... i have bubba-kush going in coco right now, youngsters and they are stinkin out my whole room, unbelievable!

keep us posted on the kushie kush, im interested enough to subscribe to this thread.