To transplant or not??


Well-Known Member
Sup Guys and Gals... I currently have five feminized Master Kush started in solo cups under CFL's and am now wishing I had just put them in their final pots right from the beginning. I guess the only reason I didn't was because everybody is always talking about transplanting so I just blindly followed.
For the most part why don't folks put the plants in their final resting place right from the get go? Is it to sex them or is it space and light constraints? Maybe to move them up to a different box for a different growth stage? At two weeks old I already wish they were in sumpin bigger. Not much lsting space in a solo cup plus now I have to wait a bit just to avoid any unnecessary stress. I like to just flip my cup over and have a handful of roots and even though they are doing well if I flipped a cup now a handful of dirt and a boatload of heartache could be the result.


Active Member
Most newbies will overwater plants in large containers resulting in poor, or dead plants. I've been doing this for years and still start small containers and work up. I like to transplant and get a good look at her root system in the process, her roots need oxygen and with too much water she will suffocate


New Member
whats up w nuthin but dirt wheres your roots? u been watering too much? hard dirt... like compacted? u tell me


Active Member
Oh and a good rule of thumb is to let her bush out wider than container, when she grows leaves size of container basically (with like party cups) then she should have a good enough root system, then water her, this helps hold soil and rootball all together and also lubes her up to slide out your cup. Best of luck to you brother


New Member
Transplanting is not as stressful on plants as most new growers make it out to be. Dont be afraid to score or tease the roots when transplanting. Besides as stated above, watering issues, keeping the medium evenly moist ect... Starting with a smaller container and working up can accomplish a few things. Better control of nutes your feeding according to growth phase. And also help control plant size during the grow...


Well-Known Member
So wayne are you always an a****** Or do you save it for the rookie aspect of the forum. My soils tilth is great. I made it myself over the course of a few years. Hot composted and the NPK Should be right on the money. My PH might be a little high. I will check it again later. If it is I will boil up some powdered lime. It makes it act a little faster. I also added a small amount of gypsum Because I didn't have any sharp stand on hand And gypsum is a necessary component.
So wayne you think my solo cup should be root bound in 2 weeks? You must be 1 hell of a gardner. I start an awful lot of plants every season and when I flip the cup I want the plant to slide right out holding the soil intact.
To the rest of you thank you. I always tease my roots a bit when transplanting And sometimes on on marijuana plants You need to be quite aggressive. Once the pattern of the roots circling the growing container has established itself It can be a tough habit to break. I'm not sure How long until I can expect a lot of roots But I'm sure not going to transplant after 2 weeks. They need a bit more time to develop. About how long do you guys give between transplanting up Or do you just play it by eye?
Ps... I should have built a bigger box. This 1 was just supposed to be for starting next year's outdoor grow But I thought I would give this a try. Wayne You are a perfect example of the total number of post made nothing.


Well-Known Member
Sup Guys and Gals... I currently have five feminized Master Kush started in solo cups under CFL's and am now wishing I had just put them in their final pots right from the beginning. I guess the only reason I didn't was because everybody is always talking about transplanting so I just blindly followed.
For the most part why don't folks put the plants in their final resting place right from the get go? Is it to sex them or is it space and light constraints? Maybe to move them up to a different box for a different growth stage? At two weeks old I already wish they were in sumpin bigger. Not much lsting space in a solo cup plus now I have to wait a bit just to avoid any unnecessary stress. I like to just flip my cup over and have a handful of roots and even though they are doing well if I flipped a cup now a handful of dirt and a boatload of heartache could be the result.
I like to start them in smaller container due to watering reasons. I usually prefer to water them 2 times a week to have better control of their growth. I think they grow a bit faster this way instead of watering once a week or 2 with so much dirt and tiny plants.


Well-Known Member
I planted some woody's a few years ago. Mostly Stewartia and persimmon. These are outdoor plants Which I needed to move 2 new homes. More than a couple more strangled very badly And will never recover. If you get 1 bad root choking your plant they are toast. I don't know if a pot plant roots can choke it to death but the choke hold is a tough 1 to break.

Are there any issues with a root bound plant if the plant is getting sufficient water and nutrients. I have some very root bound ornamental plants. They are inexpensive pots The wife bought and I'm going to have to break the pot someday to get the plant out.
Tell me guys Why it is easier to water a small pot/cup more accurately them a large pot. ? I don't doubt anyone I just don't understand. Sometimes I just get so confused. Stoned as a rat on commercial weed.


New Member
Water slowly until you get good run off from the bottom of the pot. Over watering is caused by watering too frequently, not watering too much in one feeding....


Well-Known Member
I still don't see the point in transplanting multiple times. It just seems like 1 more way to stress them out. Don't know how transplanting provides the roots with more oxygen either.
Biggest problem is That there are 100 ways To do things And none of them are right. We will see


Active Member
Well start them off in big pot and don't ask for advice then newb. Shit you asked many chimed in to explain but do whatever the fuck you want. Nobody gives a shit how you do it buddy not being mean just honest here. You start in a big pot with a seed or little clone/plant then your name may end up being your end result, maybe you will get lucky and succeed who knows. As far as stressing, transplanting doesn't hurt her one bit if you use your head, have everything ready to do it, and be gentle with her. Over/underwatering can cause major slow downs for you and stress her much worse imo and the stress caused by too much nutrient can devastate a seedling/clone, and not enough nute of any kind and she will show defficiency and stress much worse than a simple gentle transplant into some nice fresh soil with nutes in it means transplant and give juust water for a week or two by then she will be showing you her love for fresh dirt and space.

But do whatever you want


Well-Known Member
Well Cropper my friend it's not that I think your being mean but I do think your location pretty much sums up your goal you ass lapping bag of shit. Chances are good that I have underwear older than you and have been propagating plants either through air layering, crown layering and root layering or simple cloning since before you became a genius. I'm a couple courses away from becoming a master gardener through the arboretum so dumb ass shit like looking at her roots means nothing. I'm sure you understand that the plant mass above ground pretty much equals what is below ground under most circumstances.
I got an idea you putz.. why don't you just stick to the master growers forum instead of the new growers forum. That way you won't alienate any of the newb's that come along and the accomplished indoor growers can bask in your wisdom.
Initially you did a good job explaining your views and I was/am taking them into account. That being said the mere fact you have 300 posts don't mean squat nor does it lend any support to you ideas. I asked the question in the "newb" forum cause I thought I might get some simple but concise answers. What do I get?? Some balls deep piece of shit lecturing me. Marijuana is not alone in it's preference for drying out a bit between watering. That goes for 90% of the herbaceous plants out there
Don't for a second think what you say should be taken as the gospel. You have shown yourself to be more rude more that knowledgeable

As a side note.. Most of the information you provided was good solid stuff but a wise man searches for more than a couple answers So you provide O2 to your plants by looking at the roots. What a freakin MORON. Thanks again for all your help. Now get back to taking it balls deep.


Active Member
Well Cropper my friend it's not that I think your being mean but I do think your location pretty much sums up your goal you ass lapping bag of shit. Chances are good that I have underwear older than you and have been propagating plants either through air layering, crown layering and root layering or simple cloning since before you became a genius. I'm a couple courses away from becoming a master gardener through the arboretum so dumb ass shit like looking at her roots means nothing. I'm sure you understand that the plant mass above ground pretty much equals what is below ground under most circumstances.
I got an idea you putz.. why don't you just stick to the master growers forum instead of the new growers forum. That way you won't alienate any of the newb's that come along and the accomplished indoor growers can bask in your wisdom.
Initially you did a good job explaining your views and I was/am taking them into account. That being said the mere fact you have 300 posts don't mean squat nor does it lend any support to you ideas. I asked the question in the "newb" forum cause I thought I might get some simple but concise answers. What do I get?? Some balls deep piece of shit lecturing me. Marijuana is not alone in it's preference for drying out a bit between watering. That goes for 90% of the herbaceous plants out there
Don't for a second think what you say should be taken as the gospel. You have shown yourself to be more rude more that knowledgeable

As a side note.. Most of the information you provided was good solid stuff but a wise man searches for more than a couple answers So you provide O2 to your plants by looking at the roots. What a freakin MORON. Thanks again for all your help. Now get back to taking it balls deep.
Hahaha what are you fucking kidding me lol. You post that you don't understand I explain lol. Fuck it who cares how many posts I've got you little bitch. Your a ungratfull retard who deserves to be banned strickly for being such a fucktard. As I already stated to you moron if your as acomplished as you claim then why are you posting a fucking simple question as to how to transplant. Or especially be stupid enough as to ask why haha your a joke dude peace out you douche bag


Active Member
Ps you fuckstick the whole more oxegen part comes from the very simple fact that the plant will now be sitting in unpacked fresh soil. Which by chance happens to allow the roots ease to more oxygen.


Well-Known Member
Well you hog sucking bag- O- shit. My soil has a good enough tilth so I don't have to worry about it becoming compacted. Use or build a good soil and you won't have to worry about compacted soil. A little sharp sand or gypsum might help you out if your using clay. You did not clarify shit and sound like your reading a book. Is that why you hang around the newb forum.

I should be banned?? Grow up and stop crying. You said nothing of value but I do like your idea of looking at the roots as a way to provide O2. I may well be ungrateful but the original post was NOT asking you how to transplant but WHY not plant in the same pot you intend on finishing the grow in. I don't have any problems with over watering do you?

By the way. What do you think of Jiffy pots. Do you think weed is tough enough to get through that peat or should I peel it away. Thanks again and may you continue to take it balls deep.:finger:


Well-Known Member
Sorry cropper. You did not do anything to be abused and I genuinely apologize. I came on here for fun and I'm ruining it for myself. Again, my humble apologies and thanks for your help. May your next grow be a good one. PEACE!!!:-?


Well-Known Member
whats up w nuthin but dirt wheres your roots? u been watering too much? hard dirt... like compacted? u tell me

Looks like were both riding the asshole train Wayne.:leaf: