Today would of been my Dads Birthday.......heres to you dad.


Well-Known Member
Dad n his bike.jpg
I got being a Biker honestly.....Was a simple man but a great man........
Sorry am stoned and was thinking about him.
You guys would of loved him.


Well-Known Member
Happy B'day to your Dad.

Today is my B'day too ... fark, 52 today.
and here i thought it was old cheese I was smelling,,,,,,

just yankin yer chain ya old bassturd. shit i'm 53. maybe I was smelling me.

not to be negative, but I never got along with mine. don't miss him one bit. kinda glad he's gone.
a real rotten sob.

But hey StonedP, good on ya, I'll have one to yer pop's. one for grumpy. and two for me.
Just the way I am