Today's big question for you:


Hey Friends,
I was toking up earlier today, and then I got into a debate with my friends. The question is:

If you could subtract inches from your height, and add them to your wang, how many inches would you swap?

I think I might try about half an inch. I feel like my height and wang length are currently at the optimal ratio, but it might be fun to see what a little extra could do. :twisted:

What about you guys?


Well-Known Member
Dude after the penis stretcher thread are we fishing for a new #1 thread of all time???

Well I'm 6' tall even and 7.5" long, I'm pretty happy with that....
I think I'd take 1 inch off height and add it to girth just because this
thread insinuates it as a possibility.



Active Member
id go all out and take like 4' off my height and add 4' to the wang region... then i would make huge money at the freak show as the human-midget tripod


New Member
im perfect just the way i am never got any complaints with my wang :hump::hump::hump: except that it hurts too much cuz its soo big