Tolerance breaks


Well-Known Member
Chilling out from the smoke for a bit been smoking pretty heavily everyday for the past 3-4 months tolerance is high af but still addicted to smoking even if the high is lack luster and pretty pointless

How's those withdrawals . Fairly agitated these past couple of days . Some mild blurred vision.
I started smoking when i was 11 years old and now i'm pushing 30's, i've been smoking everyday all those years.
I would take breaks here and there, sometimes weeks, months.. Longest without weed was 6 months.
It all returns to normal after 2 weeks until you get used to being sober. Personally i completely forget about weed after those first 2 weeks.
The only time when i really crave weed is when i hear some good music. I love smoking with good music. But other than that it's really fine.
Weed addiction is like being addicted to videogames or gambling, it shouldn't have physical withdrawals, only boredom.

I'm no doctor or expert, but could the blurred vision be related to changes in blood pressure?
And are you sure you smoked clean weed and not some chemical shit?
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Chilling out from the smoke for a bit been smoking pretty heavily everyday for the past 3-4 months tolerance is high af but still addicted to smoking even if the high is lack luster and pretty pointless

How's those withdrawals . Fairly agitated these past couple of days . Some mild blurred vision.
Try spending some time on that career mode you keep talking about. Instagram search everything, see how other people are doing it and add that to your style of doing things. You probably going to make millions doing what you been talking about!!!
Idk man I been smoking daily for 30 something yrs I get baked every time. Some strains get weak if I don’t change up but always have effects

changing up has the same effect on me, even my favorite stuff after a while becomes normal so if i change my smoke for a couple of weeks to something completely different (ie. sativa to indica) i’m getting baked again.