Too early to flower?

Got a plant in question.dont know the sex yet.(please be a girl).Ill just call her a she to be safe.anyways,shes on her 5th week in veg.Shes about 9 inches tall but extremely wide and bushy with lots of pre-flower growth around the nodes(secondary growth).Also she is of bag seed .Looks like an indica possibly cause leaves are really fat as opposed to long and skinny.Should i put her in flower to show herself then back in veg or put her in flower now or wait how much longer?Thanks for any input and/or advice


Well-Known Member
ive got exact same problem lol,, mines 9 inch aswell mate..
check my latest thread!!
pics on there!!

Illegal Smile

Its bagseed. It might not have a genetic prayer of getting any bigger. Flower it, forget about trying to reveg, and see what you get both in terms of gender and yield.

PS - One of the advantages of working with good seeds from known stable strains is that you know what to expect. You know when it's time to flower. And if they are feminized you don't even have to worry about that.