Too much light during lights off?


Well-Known Member
During lights out my AC unit stays on that is pretty close to the plants. The digital screen on the froint gives off a glow strong enough to illuminate some of the plants in the dark. Does this need to be fixed?


Well-Known Member
They won't see Green. Your ok or like mygirls say (tape).
what he said. green is your golden colour for light to see your plants when lights are out. Green light wont affect your babies.

for fututre reference. if you ever wanted to have a look at your girls in the dak you can purchase a green lightbulb.


Well-Known Member
Roflao we're a Bunch of wal mart users, for growing lol. Lets see I also get my spider mite killer there, Jiffy seeds starters (lil seed domes), hmm what else, Oh temp and humidity gauge and mason jars.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i stocked up on the super thrive from there befor they took it of the shelf. get my MG 24-8-16, and my take root. shit why i get into all that fuck my wife works their. 10% off BABY. ha ha LOL


Well-Known Member
Roflao we're a Bunch of wal mart users, for growing lol. Lets see I also get my spider mite killer there, Jiffy seeds starters (lil seed domes), hmm what else, Oh temp and humidity gauge and mason jars.

i just bought this same shit the other day i always wonder if anyone could put 2 and 2 together at the check out :D